Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework.XML 281 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestPlatform.TestFramework</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssemblyCleanupAttribute">
  8. <summary>
  9. The assembly cleanup attribute.
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssemblyInitializeAttribute">
  13. <summary>
  14. The assembly initialize attribute.
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute">
  18. <summary>
  19. The class cleanup attribute.
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.#ctor">
  23. <summary>
  24. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute"/> class.
  25. </summary>
  26. </member>
  27. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior)">
  28. <summary>
  29. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute"/> class.
  30. </summary>
  31. <param name="inheritanceBehavior">
  32. Specifies the ClassCleanup Inheritance Behavior
  33. </param>
  34. </member>
  35. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior)">
  36. <summary>
  37. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute"/> class.
  38. </summary>
  39. <param name="cleanupBehavior">
  40. Specifies the class clean-up behavior.
  41. To capture output of class clean-up method in logs
  42. <paramref name="cleanupBehavior"/> must be set to <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior.EndOfClass"/>.
  43. </param>
  44. </member>
  45. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior,Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior)">
  46. <summary>
  47. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute"/> class.
  48. </summary>
  49. <param name="inheritanceBehavior">
  50. Specifies the ClassCleanup Inheritance Behavior
  51. </param>
  52. <param name="cleanupBehavior">
  53. Specifies the class clean-up behavior.
  54. To capture output of class clean-up method in logs
  55. <paramref name="cleanupBehavior"/> must be set to <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior.EndOfClass"/>.
  56. </param>
  57. </member>
  58. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior,System.Nullable{Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior})">
  59. <summary>
  60. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute"/> class.
  61. </summary>
  62. <param name="inheritanceBehavior">
  63. Specifies the ClassCleanup Inheritance Behavior
  64. </param>
  65. <param name="cleanupBehavior">
  66. Specifies the class clean-up behavior.
  67. To capture output of class clean-up method in logs
  68. <paramref name="cleanupBehavior"/> must be set to <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior.EndOfClass"/>.
  69. </param>
  70. </member>
  71. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.InheritanceBehavior">
  72. <summary>
  73. Gets the Inheritance Behavior
  74. </summary>
  75. </member>
  76. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute.CleanupBehavior">
  77. <summary>
  78. Gets when to run class cleanup methods.
  79. </summary>
  80. </member>
  81. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior">
  82. <summary>
  83. When to run ClassCleanup during test execution
  84. </summary>
  85. </member>
  86. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior.EndOfAssembly">
  87. <summary>
  88. Run at end of assembly
  89. </summary>
  90. </member>
  91. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior.EndOfClass">
  92. <summary>
  93. Run at end of class
  94. </summary>
  95. </member>
  96. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute">
  97. <summary>
  98. Specification for when to run class cleanup methods.
  99. </summary>
  100. </member>
  101. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute.DefaultClassCleanupLifecycle">
  102. <summary>
  103. Default class cleanup execution
  104. </summary>
  105. </member>
  106. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute.#ctor">
  107. <summary>
  108. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute"/> class.
  109. </summary>
  110. </member>
  111. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior)">
  112. <summary>
  113. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute"/> class.
  114. </summary>
  115. <param name="cleanupBehavior">
  116. Specifies the class clean-up behavior.
  117. To capture output of class clean-up method in logs
  118. <paramref name="cleanupBehavior"/> must be set to <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupBehavior.EndOfClass"/>.
  119. </param>
  120. </member>
  121. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupExecutionAttribute.CleanupBehavior">
  122. <summary>
  123. Gets when to run class cleanup methods.
  124. </summary>
  125. </member>
  126. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute">
  127. <summary>
  128. The class initialize attribute.
  129. </summary>
  130. </member>
  131. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute.#ctor">
  132. <summary>
  133. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute"/> class.
  134. ClassInitializeAttribute
  135. </summary>
  136. </member>
  137. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior)">
  138. <summary>
  139. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute"/> class.
  140. ClassInitializeAttribute
  141. </summary>
  142. <param name="inheritanceBehavior">
  143. Specifies the ClassInitialize Inheritance Behavior
  144. </param>
  145. </member>
  146. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute.InheritanceBehavior">
  147. <summary>
  148. Gets the Inheritance Behavior
  149. </summary>
  150. </member>
  151. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssIterationAttribute">
  152. <summary>
  153. CSS Iteration URI
  154. </summary>
  155. </member>
  156. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssIterationAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  157. <summary>
  158. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssIterationAttribute"/> class for CSS Iteration URI.
  159. </summary>
  160. <param name="cssIteration">The CSS Iteration URI.</param>
  161. </member>
  162. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssIterationAttribute.CssIteration">
  163. <summary>
  164. Gets the CSS Iteration URI.
  165. </summary>
  166. </member>
  167. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssProjectStructureAttribute">
  168. <summary>
  169. CSS Project Structure URI
  170. </summary>
  171. </member>
  172. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssProjectStructureAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  173. <summary>
  174. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssProjectStructureAttribute"/> class for CSS Project Structure URI.
  175. </summary>
  176. <param name="cssProjectStructure">The CSS Project Structure URI.</param>
  177. </member>
  178. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CssProjectStructureAttribute.CssProjectStructure">
  179. <summary>
  180. Gets the CSS Project Structure URI.
  181. </summary>
  182. </member>
  183. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataTestMethodAttribute">
  184. <summary>
  185. Attribute for data driven test where data can be specified in-line.
  186. </summary>
  187. </member>
  188. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DescriptionAttribute">
  189. <summary>
  190. Description of the test
  191. </summary>
  192. </member>
  193. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DescriptionAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  194. <summary>
  195. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DescriptionAttribute"/> class to describe a test.
  196. </summary>
  197. <param name="description">The description.</param>
  198. </member>
  199. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DescriptionAttribute.Description">
  200. <summary>
  201. Gets the description of a test.
  202. </summary>
  203. </member>
  204. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DiscoverInternalsAttribute">
  205. <summary>
  206. The presence of this attribute in a test assembly causes MSTest to discover test classes (i.e. classes having
  207. the "TestClass" attribute) and test methods (i.e. methods having the "TestMethod" attribute) which are declared
  208. internal in addition to test classes and test methods which are declared public. When this attribute is not
  209. present in a test assembly the tests in such classes will not be discovered.
  210. </summary>
  211. </member>
  212. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DoNotParallelizeAttribute">
  213. <summary>
  214. Specification to disable parallelization.
  215. </summary>
  216. </member>
  217. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataSourceType">
  218. <summary>
  219. Enum to specify whether the data is stored as property or in method.
  220. </summary>
  221. </member>
  222. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataSourceType.Property">
  223. <summary>
  224. Data is declared as property.
  225. </summary>
  226. </member>
  227. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataSourceType.Method">
  228. <summary>
  229. Data is declared in method.
  230. </summary>
  231. </member>
  232. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute">
  233. <summary>
  234. Attribute to define dynamic data for a test method.
  235. </summary>
  236. </member>
  237. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute.#ctor(System.String,Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataSourceType)">
  238. <summary>
  239. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute"/> class.
  240. </summary>
  241. <param name="dynamicDataSourceName">
  242. The name of method or property having test data.
  243. </param>
  244. <param name="dynamicDataSourceType">
  245. Specifies whether the data is stored as property or in method.
  246. </param>
  247. </member>
  248. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.Type,Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataSourceType)">
  249. <summary>
  250. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute"/> class when the test data is present in a class different
  251. from test method's class.
  252. </summary>
  253. <param name="dynamicDataSourceName">
  254. The name of method or property having test data.
  255. </param>
  256. <param name="dynamicDataDeclaringType">
  257. The declaring type of property or method having data. Useful in cases when declaring type is present in a class different from
  258. test method's class. If null, declaring type defaults to test method's class type.
  259. </param>
  260. <param name="dynamicDataSourceType">
  261. Specifies whether the data is stored as property or in method.
  262. </param>
  263. </member>
  264. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute.DynamicDataDisplayName">
  265. <summary>
  266. Gets or sets the name of method used to customize the display name in test results.
  267. </summary>
  268. </member>
  269. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute.DynamicDataDisplayNameDeclaringType">
  270. <summary>
  271. Gets or sets the declaring type used to customize the display name in test results.
  272. </summary>
  273. </member>
  274. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute.GetData(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
  275. <inheritdoc />
  276. </member>
  277. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DynamicDataAttribute.GetDisplayName(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object[])">
  278. <inheritdoc />
  279. </member>
  280. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.IgnoreAttribute">
  281. <summary>
  282. The ignore attribute.
  283. </summary>
  284. </member>
  285. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.IgnoreAttribute.#ctor">
  286. <summary>
  287. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.IgnoreAttribute"/> class.
  288. </summary>
  289. </member>
  290. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.IgnoreAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  291. <summary>
  292. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.IgnoreAttribute"/> class.
  293. </summary>
  294. <param name="message">
  295. Message specifies reason for ignoring.
  296. </param>
  297. </member>
  298. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.IgnoreAttribute.IgnoreMessage">
  299. <summary>
  300. Gets the owner.
  301. </summary>
  302. </member>
  303. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior">
  304. <summary>
  305. Enumeration for inheritance behavior, that can be used with both the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassInitializeAttribute"/> class
  306. and <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ClassCleanupAttribute"/> class.
  307. Defines the behavior of the ClassInitialize and ClassCleanup methods of base classes.
  308. The type of the enumeration must match
  309. </summary>
  310. </member>
  311. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior.None">
  312. <summary>
  313. None.
  314. </summary>
  315. </member>
  316. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InheritanceBehavior.BeforeEachDerivedClass">
  317. <summary>
  318. Before each derived class.
  319. </summary>
  320. </member>
  321. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.OwnerAttribute">
  322. <summary>
  323. Test Owner
  324. </summary>
  325. </member>
  326. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.OwnerAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  327. <summary>
  328. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.OwnerAttribute"/> class.
  329. </summary>
  330. <param name="owner">
  331. The owner.
  332. </param>
  333. </member>
  334. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.OwnerAttribute.Owner">
  335. <summary>
  336. Gets the owner.
  337. </summary>
  338. </member>
  339. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ParallelizeAttribute">
  340. <summary>
  341. Specification for parallelization level for a test run.
  342. </summary>
  343. </member>
  344. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ParallelizeAttribute.DefaultExecutionScope">
  345. <summary>
  346. The default scope for the parallel run. Although method level gives maximum parallelization, the default is set to
  347. class level to enable maximum number of customers to easily convert their tests to run in parallel. In most cases within
  348. a class tests aren't thread safe.
  349. </summary>
  350. </member>
  351. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ParallelizeAttribute.#ctor">
  352. <summary>
  353. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ParallelizeAttribute"/> class.
  354. </summary>
  355. </member>
  356. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ParallelizeAttribute.Workers">
  357. <summary>
  358. Gets or sets the number of workers to be used for the parallel run.
  359. </summary>
  360. </member>
  361. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ParallelizeAttribute.Scope">
  362. <summary>
  363. Gets or sets the scope of the parallel run.
  364. </summary>
  365. <remarks>
  366. To enable all classes to run in parallel set this to <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExecutionScope.ClassLevel"/>.
  367. To get the maximum parallelization level set this to <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExecutionScope.MethodLevel"/>.
  368. </remarks>
  369. </member>
  370. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExecutionScope">
  371. <summary>
  372. Parallel execution mode.
  373. </summary>
  374. </member>
  375. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExecutionScope.ClassLevel">
  376. <summary>
  377. Each thread of execution will be handed a TestClass worth of tests to execute.
  378. Within the TestClass, the test methods will execute serially.
  379. </summary>
  380. </member>
  381. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExecutionScope.MethodLevel">
  382. <summary>
  383. Each thread of execution will be handed TestMethods to execute.
  384. </summary>
  385. </member>
  386. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PriorityAttribute">
  387. <summary>
  388. Priority attribute; used to specify the priority of a unit test.
  389. </summary>
  390. </member>
  391. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PriorityAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  392. <summary>
  393. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PriorityAttribute"/> class.
  394. </summary>
  395. <param name="priority">
  396. The priority.
  397. </param>
  398. </member>
  399. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.PriorityAttribute.Priority">
  400. <summary>
  401. Gets the priority.
  402. </summary>
  403. </member>
  404. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestClassAttribute">
  405. <summary>
  406. The test class attribute.
  407. </summary>
  408. </member>
  409. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestClassAttribute.GetTestMethodAttribute(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute)">
  410. <summary>
  411. Gets a test method attribute that enables running this test.
  412. </summary>
  413. <param name="testMethodAttribute">The test method attribute instance defined on this method.</param>
  414. <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute"/> to be used to run this test.</returns>
  415. <remarks>Extensions can override this method to customize how all methods in a class are run.</remarks>
  416. </member>
  417. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCleanupAttribute">
  418. <summary>
  419. The test cleanup attribute marks methods that are executed after every test marked with a <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute"/>.
  420. </summary>
  421. </member>
  422. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryAttribute">
  423. <summary>
  424. Specifies how to discover ITestDataSource tests.
  425. </summary>
  426. </member>
  427. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryOption)">
  428. <summary>
  429. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryAttribute"/> class.
  430. </summary>
  431. <param name="discoveryOption">
  432. Sets which <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryOption"/> to use when discovering ITestDataSource tests.
  433. </param>
  434. </member>
  435. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryAttribute.DiscoveryOption">
  436. <summary>
  437. Gets specified discovery option.
  438. </summary>
  439. </member>
  440. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryOption">
  441. <summary>
  442. Supported TestDataSource discovery modes
  443. </summary>
  444. </member>
  445. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryOption.DuringExecution">
  446. <summary>
  447. Discover tests during execution.
  448. This was the default option on version 2.2.3 and before.
  449. </summary>
  450. </member>
  451. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestDataSourceDiscoveryOption.DuringDiscovery">
  452. <summary>
  453. Discover and expand ITestDataSource based tests.
  454. This is the default behavior after version 2.2.3.
  455. </summary>
  456. </member>
  457. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestInitializeAttribute">
  458. <summary>
  459. The test initialize attribute.
  460. </summary>
  461. </member>
  462. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute">
  463. <summary>
  464. The test method attribute.
  465. </summary>
  466. </member>
  467. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute.#ctor">
  468. <summary>
  469. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute"/> class.
  470. </summary>
  471. </member>
  472. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  473. <summary>
  474. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute"/> class.
  475. </summary>
  476. <param name="displayName">
  477. Display name for the test.
  478. </param>
  479. </member>
  480. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute.DisplayName">
  481. <summary>
  482. Gets display name for the test.
  483. </summary>
  484. </member>
  485. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestMethodAttribute.Execute(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod)">
  486. <summary>
  487. Executes a test method.
  488. </summary>
  489. <param name="testMethod">The test method to execute.</param>
  490. <returns>An array of TestResult objects that represent the outcome(s) of the test.</returns>
  491. <remarks>Extensions can override this method to customize running a TestMethod.</remarks>
  492. </member>
  493. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute">
  494. <summary>
  495. The test property attribute.
  496. </summary>
  497. </member>
  498. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
  499. <summary>
  500. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute"/> class.
  501. </summary>
  502. <param name="name">
  503. The name.
  504. </param>
  505. <param name="value">
  506. The value.
  507. </param>
  508. </member>
  509. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute.Name">
  510. <summary>
  511. Gets the name.
  512. </summary>
  513. </member>
  514. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestPropertyAttribute.Value">
  515. <summary>
  516. Gets the value.
  517. </summary>
  518. </member>
  519. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult">
  520. <summary>
  521. TestResult object to be returned to adapter.
  522. </summary>
  523. </member>
  524. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.#ctor">
  525. <summary>
  526. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult"/> class.
  527. </summary>
  528. </member>
  529. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.DisplayName">
  530. <summary>
  531. Gets or sets the display name of the result. Useful when returning multiple results.
  532. If null then Method name is used as DisplayName.
  533. </summary>
  534. </member>
  535. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.Outcome">
  536. <summary>
  537. Gets or sets the outcome of the test execution.
  538. </summary>
  539. </member>
  540. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.TestFailureException">
  541. <summary>
  542. Gets or sets the exception thrown when test is failed.
  543. </summary>
  544. </member>
  545. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.LogOutput">
  546. <summary>
  547. Gets or sets the output of the message logged by test code.
  548. </summary>
  549. </member>
  550. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.LogError">
  551. <summary>
  552. Gets or sets the output of the message logged by test code.
  553. </summary>
  554. </member>
  555. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.DebugTrace">
  556. <summary>
  557. Gets or sets the debug traces by test code.
  558. </summary>
  559. </member>
  560. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.TestContextMessages">
  561. <summary>
  562. Gets or sets the debug traces by test code.
  563. </summary>
  564. </member>
  565. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.ExecutionId">
  566. <summary>
  567. Gets or sets the execution id of the result.
  568. </summary>
  569. </member>
  570. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.ParentExecId">
  571. <summary>
  572. Gets or sets the parent execution id of the result.
  573. </summary>
  574. </member>
  575. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.InnerResultsCount">
  576. <summary>
  577. Gets or sets the inner results count of the result.
  578. </summary>
  579. </member>
  580. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.Duration">
  581. <summary>
  582. Gets or sets the duration of test execution.
  583. </summary>
  584. </member>
  585. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.DatarowIndex">
  586. <summary>
  587. Gets or sets the data row index in data source. Set only for results of individual
  588. run of data row of a data driven test.
  589. </summary>
  590. </member>
  591. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.ReturnValue">
  592. <summary>
  593. Gets or sets the return value of the test method. (Currently null always).
  594. </summary>
  595. </member>
  596. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestResult.ResultFiles">
  597. <summary>
  598. Gets or sets the result files attached by the test.
  599. </summary>
  600. </member>
  601. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestTimeout">
  602. <summary>
  603. Enumeration for timeouts, that can be used with the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute"/> class.
  604. The type of the enumeration must match
  605. </summary>
  606. </member>
  607. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestTimeout.Infinite">
  608. <summary>
  609. The infinite.
  610. </summary>
  611. </member>
  612. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute">
  613. <summary>
  614. Timeout attribute; used to specify the timeout of a unit test.
  615. </summary>
  616. </member>
  617. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  618. <summary>
  619. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute"/> class.
  620. </summary>
  621. <param name="timeout">
  622. The timeout in milliseconds.
  623. </param>
  624. </member>
  625. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute.#ctor(Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestTimeout)">
  626. <summary>
  627. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute"/> class with a preset timeout
  628. </summary>
  629. <param name="timeout">
  630. The timeout
  631. </param>
  632. </member>
  633. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TimeoutAttribute.Timeout">
  634. <summary>
  635. Gets the timeout in milliseconds.
  636. </summary>
  637. </member>
  638. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.WorkItemAttribute">
  639. <summary>
  640. WorkItem attribute; used to specify a work item associated with this test.
  641. </summary>
  642. </member>
  643. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.WorkItemAttribute.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  644. <summary>
  645. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.WorkItemAttribute"/> class for the WorkItem Attribute.
  646. </summary>
  647. <param name="id">The Id to a work item.</param>
  648. </member>
  649. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.WorkItemAttribute.Id">
  650. <summary>
  651. Gets the Id to a work item associated.
  652. </summary>
  653. </member>
  654. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestDataSource">
  655. <summary>
  656. Test data source for data driven tests.
  657. </summary>
  658. </member>
  659. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestDataSource.GetData(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
  660. <summary>
  661. Gets the test data from custom test data source.
  662. </summary>
  663. <param name="methodInfo">
  664. The method info of test method.
  665. </param>
  666. <returns>
  667. Test data for calling test method.
  668. </returns>
  669. </member>
  670. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestDataSource.GetDisplayName(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object[])">
  671. <summary>
  672. Gets the display name corresponding to test data row for displaying in TestResults.
  673. </summary>
  674. <param name="methodInfo">
  675. The method info of test method.
  676. </param>
  677. <param name="data">
  678. The test data which is passed to test method.
  679. </param>
  680. <returns>
  681. The <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
  682. </returns>
  683. </member>
  684. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod">
  685. <summary>
  686. TestMethod for execution.
  687. </summary>
  688. </member>
  689. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.TestMethodName">
  690. <summary>
  691. Gets the name of test method.
  692. </summary>
  693. </member>
  694. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.TestClassName">
  695. <summary>
  696. Gets the name of test class.
  697. </summary>
  698. </member>
  699. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.ReturnType">
  700. <summary>
  701. Gets the return type of test method.
  702. </summary>
  703. </member>
  704. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.Arguments">
  705. <summary>
  706. Gets the arguments with which test method is invoked.
  707. </summary>
  708. </member>
  709. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.ParameterTypes">
  710. <summary>
  711. Gets the parameters of test method.
  712. </summary>
  713. </member>
  714. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.MethodInfo">
  715. <summary>
  716. Gets the methodInfo for test method.
  717. </summary>
  718. <remarks>
  719. This is just to retrieve additional information about the method.
  720. Do not directly invoke the method using MethodInfo. Use ITestMethod.Invoke instead.
  721. </remarks>
  722. </member>
  723. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.Invoke(System.Object[])">
  724. <summary>
  725. Invokes the test method.
  726. </summary>
  727. <param name="arguments">
  728. Arguments to pass to test method. (E.g. For data driven)
  729. </param>
  730. <returns>
  731. Result of test method invocation.
  732. </returns>
  733. <remarks>
  734. This call handles asynchronous test methods as well.
  735. </remarks>
  736. </member>
  737. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.GetAllAttributes(System.Boolean)">
  738. <summary>
  739. Get all attributes of the test method.
  740. </summary>
  741. <param name="inherit">
  742. Whether attribute defined in parent class is valid.
  743. </param>
  744. <returns>
  745. All attributes.
  746. </returns>
  747. </member>
  748. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ITestMethod.GetAttributes``1(System.Boolean)">
  749. <summary>
  750. Get attribute of specific type.
  751. </summary>
  752. <typeparam name="AttributeType"> System.Attribute type. </typeparam>
  753. <param name="inherit">
  754. Whether attribute defined in parent class is valid.
  755. </param>
  756. <returns>
  757. The attributes of the specified type.
  758. </returns>
  759. </member>
  760. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Helper">
  761. <summary>
  762. The helper.
  763. </summary>
  764. </member>
  765. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Helper.CheckParameterNotNull(System.Object,System.String,System.String)">
  766. <summary>
  767. The check parameter not null.
  768. </summary>
  769. <param name="param">
  770. The parameter.
  771. </param>
  772. <param name="parameterName">
  773. The parameter name.
  774. </param>
  775. <param name="message">
  776. The message.
  777. </param>
  778. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> Throws argument null exception when parameter is null. </exception>
  779. </member>
  780. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Helper.CheckParameterNotNullOrEmpty(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  781. <summary>
  782. The check parameter not null or empty.
  783. </summary>
  784. <param name="param">
  785. The parameter.
  786. </param>
  787. <param name="parameterName">
  788. The parameter name.
  789. </param>
  790. <param name="message">
  791. The message.
  792. </param>
  793. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException"> Throws ArgumentException when parameter is null. </exception>
  794. </member>
  795. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataAccessMethod">
  796. <summary>
  797. Enumeration for how we access data rows in data driven testing.
  798. </summary>
  799. </member>
  800. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataAccessMethod.Sequential">
  801. <summary>
  802. Rows are returned in sequential order.
  803. </summary>
  804. </member>
  805. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataAccessMethod.Random">
  806. <summary>
  807. Rows are returned in random order.
  808. </summary>
  809. </member>
  810. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute">
  811. <summary>
  812. Attribute to define in-line data for a test method.
  813. </summary>
  814. </member>
  815. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.#ctor">
  816. <summary>
  817. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute"/> class.
  818. </summary>
  819. </member>
  820. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.#ctor(System.Object)">
  821. <summary>
  822. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute"/> class.
  823. </summary>
  824. <param name="data1"> The data object. </param>
  825. </member>
  826. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object[])">
  827. <summary>
  828. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute"/> class which takes in an array of arguments.
  829. </summary>
  830. <param name="data1"> A data object. </param>
  831. <param name="moreData"> More data. </param>
  832. </member>
  833. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.Data">
  834. <summary>
  835. Gets data for calling test method.
  836. </summary>
  837. </member>
  838. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.DisplayName">
  839. <summary>
  840. Gets or sets display name in test results for customization.
  841. </summary>
  842. </member>
  843. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.GetData(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
  844. <inheritdoc />
  845. </member>
  846. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataRowAttribute.GetDisplayName(System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object[])">
  847. <inheritdoc />
  848. </member>
  849. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException">
  850. <summary>
  851. The assert inconclusive exception.
  852. </summary>
  853. </member>
  854. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
  855. <summary>
  856. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException"/> class.
  857. </summary>
  858. <param name="msg"> The message. </param>
  859. <param name="ex"> The exception. </param>
  860. </member>
  861. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException.#ctor(System.String)">
  862. <summary>
  863. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException"/> class.
  864. </summary>
  865. <param name="msg"> The message. </param>
  866. </member>
  867. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException.#ctor">
  868. <summary>
  869. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException"/> class.
  870. </summary>
  871. </member>
  872. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException">
  873. <summary>
  874. InternalTestFailureException class. Used to indicate internal failure for a test case
  875. </summary>
  876. <remarks>
  877. This class is only added to preserve source compatibility with the V1 framework.
  878. For all practical purposes either use AssertFailedException/AssertInconclusiveException.
  879. </remarks>
  880. </member>
  881. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
  882. <summary>
  883. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException"/> class.
  884. </summary>
  885. <param name="msg"> The exception message. </param>
  886. <param name="ex"> The exception. </param>
  887. </member>
  888. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException.#ctor(System.String)">
  889. <summary>
  890. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException"/> class.
  891. </summary>
  892. <param name="msg"> The exception message. </param>
  893. </member>
  894. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException.#ctor">
  895. <summary>
  896. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.InternalTestFailureException"/> class.
  897. </summary>
  898. </member>
  899. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute">
  900. <summary>
  901. Attribute that specifies to expect an exception of the specified type
  902. </summary>
  903. </member>
  904. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
  905. <summary>
  906. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute"/> class with the expected type
  907. </summary>
  908. <param name="exceptionType">Type of the expected exception</param>
  909. </member>
  910. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute.#ctor(System.Type,System.String)">
  911. <summary>
  912. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute"/> class with
  913. the expected type and the message to include when no exception is thrown by the test.
  914. </summary>
  915. <param name="exceptionType">Type of the expected exception</param>
  916. <param name="noExceptionMessage">
  917. Message to include in the test result if the test fails due to not throwing an exception
  918. </param>
  919. </member>
  920. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute.ExceptionType">
  921. <summary>
  922. Gets a value indicating the Type of the expected exception
  923. </summary>
  924. </member>
  925. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute.AllowDerivedTypes">
  926. <summary>
  927. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow types derived from the type of the expected exception to
  928. qualify as expected
  929. </summary>
  930. </member>
  931. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute.NoExceptionMessage">
  932. <summary>
  933. Gets the message to include in the test result if the test fails due to not throwing an exception
  934. </summary>
  935. </member>
  936. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionAttribute.Verify(System.Exception)">
  937. <summary>
  938. Verifies that the type of the exception thrown by the unit test is expected
  939. </summary>
  940. <param name="exception">The exception thrown by the unit test</param>
  941. </member>
  942. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute">
  943. <summary>
  944. Base class for attributes that specify to expect an exception from a unit test
  945. </summary>
  946. </member>
  947. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.#ctor">
  948. <summary>
  949. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute"/> class with a default no-exception message
  950. </summary>
  951. </member>
  952. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  953. <summary>
  954. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute"/> class with a no-exception message
  955. </summary>
  956. <param name="noExceptionMessage">
  957. Message to include in the test result if the test fails due to not throwing an
  958. exception
  959. </param>
  960. </member>
  961. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.NoExceptionMessage">
  962. <summary>
  963. Gets the message to include in the test result if the test fails due to not throwing an exception
  964. </summary>
  965. </member>
  966. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.SpecifiedNoExceptionMessage">
  967. <summary>
  968. Gets the message to include in the test result if the test fails due to not throwing an exception
  969. </summary>
  970. </member>
  971. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.GetDefaultNoExceptionMessage(System.String)">
  972. <summary>
  973. Gets the default no-exception message
  974. </summary>
  975. <param name="expectedExceptionAttributeTypeName">The ExpectedException attribute type name</param>
  976. <returns>The default no-exception message</returns>
  977. </member>
  978. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.Verify(System.Exception)">
  979. <summary>
  980. Determines whether the exception is expected. If the method returns, then it is
  981. understood that the exception was expected. If the method throws an exception, then it
  982. is understood that the exception was not expected, and the thrown exception's message
  983. is included in the test result. The <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert"/> class can be used for
  984. convenience. If <see cref="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Inconclusive"/> is used and the assertion fails,
  985. then the test outcome is set to Inconclusive.
  986. </summary>
  987. <param name="exception">The exception thrown by the unit test</param>
  988. </member>
  989. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute.RethrowIfAssertException(System.Exception)">
  990. <summary>
  991. Rethrow the exception if it is an AssertFailedException or an AssertInconclusiveException
  992. </summary>
  993. <param name="exception">The exception to rethrow if it is an assertion exception</param>
  994. </member>
  995. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper">
  996. <summary>
  997. This class is designed to help user doing unit testing for types which uses generic types.
  998. GenericParameterHelper satisfies some common generic type constraints
  999. such as:
  1000. 1. public default constructor
  1001. 2. implements common interface: IComparable, IEnumerable
  1002. </summary>
  1003. </member>
  1004. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.#ctor">
  1005. <summary>
  1006. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper"/> class that
  1007. satisfies the 'newable' constraint in C# generics.
  1008. </summary>
  1009. <remarks>
  1010. This constructor initializes the Data property to a random value.
  1011. </remarks>
  1012. </member>
  1013. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  1014. <summary>
  1015. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper"/> class that
  1016. initializes the Data property to a user-supplied value.
  1017. </summary>
  1018. <param name="data">Any integer value</param>
  1019. </member>
  1020. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.Data">
  1021. <summary>
  1022. Gets or sets the Data
  1023. </summary>
  1024. </member>
  1025. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.Equals(System.Object)">
  1026. <summary>
  1027. Do the value comparison for two GenericParameterHelper object
  1028. </summary>
  1029. <param name="obj">object to do comparison with</param>
  1030. <returns>true if obj has the same value as 'this' GenericParameterHelper object.
  1031. false otherwise.</returns>
  1032. </member>
  1033. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.GetHashCode">
  1034. <summary>
  1035. Returns a hashcode for this object.
  1036. </summary>
  1037. <returns>The hash code.</returns>
  1038. </member>
  1039. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.CompareTo(System.Object)">
  1040. <summary>
  1041. Compares the data of the two <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper"/> objects.
  1042. </summary>
  1043. <param name="obj">The object to compare with.</param>
  1044. <returns>
  1045. A signed number indicating the relative values of this instance and value.
  1046. </returns>
  1047. <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">
  1048. Thrown when the object passed in is not an instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper"/>.
  1049. </exception>
  1050. </member>
  1051. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.GetEnumerator">
  1052. <summary>
  1053. Returns an IEnumerator object whose length is derived from
  1054. the Data property.
  1055. </summary>
  1056. <returns>The IEnumerator object</returns>
  1057. </member>
  1058. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.GenericParameterHelper.Clone">
  1059. <summary>
  1060. Returns a GenericParameterHelper object that is equal to
  1061. the current object.
  1062. </summary>
  1063. <returns>The cloned object.</returns>
  1064. </member>
  1065. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Logging.Logger">
  1066. <summary>
  1067. Enables users to log/write traces from unit tests for diagnostics.
  1068. </summary>
  1069. </member>
  1070. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Logging.Logger.LogMessageHandler">
  1071. <summary>
  1072. Handler for LogMessage.
  1073. </summary>
  1074. <param name="message">Message to log.</param>
  1075. </member>
  1076. <member name="E:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Logging.Logger.OnLogMessage">
  1077. <summary>
  1078. Event to listen. Raised when unit test writer writes some message.
  1079. Mainly to consume by adapter.
  1080. </summary>
  1081. </member>
  1082. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Logging.Logger.LogMessage(System.String,System.Object[])">
  1083. <summary>
  1084. API for test writer to call to Log messages.
  1085. </summary>
  1086. <param name="format">String format with placeholders.</param>
  1087. <param name="args">Parameters for placeholders.</param>
  1088. </member>
  1089. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryAttribute">
  1090. <summary>
  1091. TestCategory attribute; used to specify the category of a unit test.
  1092. </summary>
  1093. </member>
  1094. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  1095. <summary>
  1096. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryAttribute"/> class and applies the category to the test.
  1097. </summary>
  1098. <param name="testCategory">
  1099. The test Category.
  1100. </param>
  1101. </member>
  1102. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryAttribute.TestCategories">
  1103. <summary>
  1104. Gets the test categories that has been applied to the test.
  1105. </summary>
  1106. </member>
  1107. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryBaseAttribute">
  1108. <summary>
  1109. Base class for the "Category" attribute
  1110. </summary>
  1111. <remarks>
  1112. The reason for this attribute is to let the users create their own implementation of test categories.
  1113. - test framework (discovery, etc) deals with TestCategoryBaseAttribute.
  1114. - The reason that TestCategories property is a collection rather than a string,
  1115. is to give more flexibility to the user. For instance the implementation may be based on enums for which the values can be OR'ed
  1116. in which case it makes sense to have single attribute rather than multiple ones on the same test.
  1117. </remarks>
  1118. </member>
  1119. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryBaseAttribute.#ctor">
  1120. <summary>
  1121. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryBaseAttribute"/> class.
  1122. Applies the category to the test. The strings returned by TestCategories
  1123. are used with the /category command to filter tests
  1124. </summary>
  1125. </member>
  1126. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestCategoryBaseAttribute.TestCategories">
  1127. <summary>
  1128. Gets the test category that has been applied to the test.
  1129. </summary>
  1130. </member>
  1131. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1132. <summary>
  1133. AssertFailedException class. Used to indicate failure for a test case
  1134. </summary>
  1135. </member>
  1136. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
  1137. <summary>
  1138. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException"/> class.
  1139. </summary>
  1140. <param name="msg"> The message. </param>
  1141. <param name="ex"> The exception. </param>
  1142. </member>
  1143. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException.#ctor(System.String)">
  1144. <summary>
  1145. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException"/> class.
  1146. </summary>
  1147. <param name="msg"> The message. </param>
  1148. </member>
  1149. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException.#ctor">
  1150. <summary>
  1151. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException"/> class.
  1152. </summary>
  1153. </member>
  1154. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert">
  1155. <summary>
  1156. A collection of helper classes to test various conditions within
  1157. unit tests. If the condition being tested is not met, an exception
  1158. is thrown.
  1159. </summary>
  1160. </member>
  1161. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.That">
  1162. <summary>
  1163. Gets the singleton instance of the Assert functionality.
  1164. </summary>
  1165. <remarks>
  1166. Users can use this to plug-in custom assertions through C# extension methods.
  1167. For instance, the signature of a custom assertion provider could be "public static void IsOfType&lt;T&gt;(this Assert assert, object obj)"
  1168. Users could then use a syntax similar to the default assertions which in this case is "Assert.That.IsOfType&lt;Dog&gt;(animal);"
  1169. More documentation is at "".
  1170. </remarks>
  1171. </member>
  1172. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsTrue(System.Boolean)">
  1173. <summary>
  1174. Tests whether the specified condition is true and throws an exception
  1175. if the condition is false.
  1176. </summary>
  1177. <param name="condition">
  1178. The condition the test expects to be true.
  1179. </param>
  1180. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1181. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is false.
  1182. </exception>
  1183. </member>
  1184. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsTrue(System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
  1185. <summary>
  1186. Tests whether the specified condition is true and throws an exception
  1187. if the condition is false.
  1188. </summary>
  1189. <param name="condition">
  1190. The condition the test expects to be true.
  1191. </param>
  1192. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1193. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is false.
  1194. </exception>
  1195. </member>
  1196. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsTrue(System.Boolean,System.String)">
  1197. <summary>
  1198. Tests whether the specified condition is true and throws an exception
  1199. if the condition is false.
  1200. </summary>
  1201. <param name="condition">
  1202. The condition the test expects to be true.
  1203. </param>
  1204. <param name="message">
  1205. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1206. is false. The message is shown in test results.
  1207. </param>
  1208. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1209. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is false.
  1210. </exception>
  1211. </member>
  1212. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsTrue(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String)">
  1213. <summary>
  1214. Tests whether the specified condition is true and throws an exception
  1215. if the condition is false.
  1216. </summary>
  1217. <param name="condition">
  1218. The condition the test expects to be true.
  1219. </param>
  1220. <param name="message">
  1221. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1222. is false. The message is shown in test results.
  1223. </param>
  1224. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1225. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is false.
  1226. </exception>
  1227. </member>
  1228. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsTrue(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1229. <summary>
  1230. Tests whether the specified condition is true and throws an exception
  1231. if the condition is false.
  1232. </summary>
  1233. <param name="condition">
  1234. The condition the test expects to be true.
  1235. </param>
  1236. <param name="message">
  1237. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1238. is false. The message is shown in test results.
  1239. </param>
  1240. <param name="parameters">
  1241. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1242. </param>
  1243. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1244. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is false.
  1245. </exception>
  1246. </member>
  1247. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsTrue(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.Object[])">
  1248. <summary>
  1249. Tests whether the specified condition is true and throws an exception
  1250. if the condition is false.
  1251. </summary>
  1252. <param name="condition">
  1253. The condition the test expects to be true.
  1254. </param>
  1255. <param name="message">
  1256. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1257. is false. The message is shown in test results.
  1258. </param>
  1259. <param name="parameters">
  1260. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1261. </param>
  1262. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1263. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is false.
  1264. </exception>
  1265. </member>
  1266. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsFalse(System.Boolean)">
  1267. <summary>
  1268. Tests whether the specified condition is false and throws an exception
  1269. if the condition is true.
  1270. </summary>
  1271. <param name="condition">
  1272. The condition the test expects to be false.
  1273. </param>
  1274. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1275. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is true.
  1276. </exception>
  1277. </member>
  1278. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsFalse(System.Nullable{System.Boolean})">
  1279. <summary>
  1280. Tests whether the specified condition is false and throws an exception
  1281. if the condition is true.
  1282. </summary>
  1283. <param name="condition">
  1284. The condition the test expects to be false.
  1285. </param>
  1286. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1287. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is true.
  1288. </exception>
  1289. </member>
  1290. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsFalse(System.Boolean,System.String)">
  1291. <summary>
  1292. Tests whether the specified condition is false and throws an exception
  1293. if the condition is true.
  1294. </summary>
  1295. <param name="condition">
  1296. The condition the test expects to be false.
  1297. </param>
  1298. <param name="message">
  1299. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1300. is true. The message is shown in test results.
  1301. </param>
  1302. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1303. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is true.
  1304. </exception>
  1305. </member>
  1306. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsFalse(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String)">
  1307. <summary>
  1308. Tests whether the specified condition is false and throws an exception
  1309. if the condition is true.
  1310. </summary>
  1311. <param name="condition">
  1312. The condition the test expects to be false.
  1313. </param>
  1314. <param name="message">
  1315. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1316. is true. The message is shown in test results.
  1317. </param>
  1318. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1319. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is true.
  1320. </exception>
  1321. </member>
  1322. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsFalse(System.Boolean,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1323. <summary>
  1324. Tests whether the specified condition is false and throws an exception
  1325. if the condition is true.
  1326. </summary>
  1327. <param name="condition">
  1328. The condition the test expects to be false.
  1329. </param>
  1330. <param name="message">
  1331. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1332. is true. The message is shown in test results.
  1333. </param>
  1334. <param name="parameters">
  1335. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1336. </param>
  1337. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1338. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is true.
  1339. </exception>
  1340. </member>
  1341. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsFalse(System.Nullable{System.Boolean},System.String,System.Object[])">
  1342. <summary>
  1343. Tests whether the specified condition is false and throws an exception
  1344. if the condition is true.
  1345. </summary>
  1346. <param name="condition">
  1347. The condition the test expects to be false.
  1348. </param>
  1349. <param name="message">
  1350. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="condition"/>
  1351. is true. The message is shown in test results.
  1352. </param>
  1353. <param name="parameters">
  1354. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1355. </param>
  1356. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1357. Thrown if <paramref name="condition"/> is true.
  1358. </exception>
  1359. </member>
  1360. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNull(System.Object)">
  1361. <summary>
  1362. Tests whether the specified object is null and throws an exception
  1363. if it is not.
  1364. </summary>
  1365. <param name="value">
  1366. The object the test expects to be null.
  1367. </param>
  1368. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1369. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is not null.
  1370. </exception>
  1371. </member>
  1372. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNull(System.Object,System.String)">
  1373. <summary>
  1374. Tests whether the specified object is null and throws an exception
  1375. if it is not.
  1376. </summary>
  1377. <param name="value">
  1378. The object the test expects to be null.
  1379. </param>
  1380. <param name="message">
  1381. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  1382. is not null. The message is shown in test results.
  1383. </param>
  1384. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1385. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is not null.
  1386. </exception>
  1387. </member>
  1388. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNull(System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1389. <summary>
  1390. Tests whether the specified object is null and throws an exception
  1391. if it is not.
  1392. </summary>
  1393. <param name="value">
  1394. The object the test expects to be null.
  1395. </param>
  1396. <param name="message">
  1397. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  1398. is not null. The message is shown in test results.
  1399. </param>
  1400. <param name="parameters">
  1401. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1402. </param>
  1403. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1404. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is not null.
  1405. </exception>
  1406. </member>
  1407. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotNull(System.Object)">
  1408. <summary>
  1409. Tests whether the specified object is non-null and throws an exception
  1410. if it is null.
  1411. </summary>
  1412. <param name="value">
  1413. The object the test expects not to be null.
  1414. </param>
  1415. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1416. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is null.
  1417. </exception>
  1418. </member>
  1419. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotNull(System.Object,System.String)">
  1420. <summary>
  1421. Tests whether the specified object is non-null and throws an exception
  1422. if it is null.
  1423. </summary>
  1424. <param name="value">
  1425. The object the test expects not to be null.
  1426. </param>
  1427. <param name="message">
  1428. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  1429. is null. The message is shown in test results.
  1430. </param>
  1431. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1432. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is null.
  1433. </exception>
  1434. </member>
  1435. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotNull(System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1436. <summary>
  1437. Tests whether the specified object is non-null and throws an exception
  1438. if it is null.
  1439. </summary>
  1440. <param name="value">
  1441. The object the test expects not to be null.
  1442. </param>
  1443. <param name="message">
  1444. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  1445. is null. The message is shown in test results.
  1446. </param>
  1447. <param name="parameters">
  1448. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1449. </param>
  1450. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1451. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is null.
  1452. </exception>
  1453. </member>
  1454. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreSame(System.Object,System.Object)">
  1455. <summary>
  1456. Tests whether the specified objects both refer to the same object and
  1457. throws an exception if the two inputs do not refer to the same object.
  1458. </summary>
  1459. <param name="expected">
  1460. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects.
  1461. </param>
  1462. <param name="actual">
  1463. The second object to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1464. </param>
  1465. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1466. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> does not refer to the same object
  1467. as <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1468. </exception>
  1469. </member>
  1470. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreSame(System.Object,System.Object,System.String)">
  1471. <summary>
  1472. Tests whether the specified objects both refer to the same object and
  1473. throws an exception if the two inputs do not refer to the same object.
  1474. </summary>
  1475. <param name="expected">
  1476. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects.
  1477. </param>
  1478. <param name="actual">
  1479. The second object to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1480. </param>
  1481. <param name="message">
  1482. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1483. is not the same as <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown
  1484. in test results.
  1485. </param>
  1486. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1487. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> does not refer to the same object
  1488. as <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1489. </exception>
  1490. </member>
  1491. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreSame(System.Object,System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1492. <summary>
  1493. Tests whether the specified objects both refer to the same object and
  1494. throws an exception if the two inputs do not refer to the same object.
  1495. </summary>
  1496. <param name="expected">
  1497. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects.
  1498. </param>
  1499. <param name="actual">
  1500. The second object to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1501. </param>
  1502. <param name="message">
  1503. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1504. is not the same as <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown
  1505. in test results.
  1506. </param>
  1507. <param name="parameters">
  1508. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1509. </param>
  1510. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1511. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> does not refer to the same object
  1512. as <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1513. </exception>
  1514. </member>
  1515. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotSame(System.Object,System.Object)">
  1516. <summary>
  1517. Tests whether the specified objects refer to different objects and
  1518. throws an exception if the two inputs refer to the same object.
  1519. </summary>
  1520. <param name="notExpected">
  1521. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1522. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1523. </param>
  1524. <param name="actual">
  1525. The second object to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1526. </param>
  1527. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1528. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> refers to the same object
  1529. as <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1530. </exception>
  1531. </member>
  1532. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotSame(System.Object,System.Object,System.String)">
  1533. <summary>
  1534. Tests whether the specified objects refer to different objects and
  1535. throws an exception if the two inputs refer to the same object.
  1536. </summary>
  1537. <param name="notExpected">
  1538. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1539. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1540. </param>
  1541. <param name="actual">
  1542. The second object to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1543. </param>
  1544. <param name="message">
  1545. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1546. is the same as <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  1547. test results.
  1548. </param>
  1549. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1550. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> refers to the same object
  1551. as <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1552. </exception>
  1553. </member>
  1554. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotSame(System.Object,System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1555. <summary>
  1556. Tests whether the specified objects refer to different objects and
  1557. throws an exception if the two inputs refer to the same object.
  1558. </summary>
  1559. <param name="notExpected">
  1560. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1561. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1562. </param>
  1563. <param name="actual">
  1564. The second object to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1565. </param>
  1566. <param name="message">
  1567. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1568. is the same as <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  1569. test results.
  1570. </param>
  1571. <param name="parameters">
  1572. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1573. </param>
  1574. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1575. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> refers to the same object
  1576. as <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1577. </exception>
  1578. </member>
  1579. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual``1(``0,``0)">
  1580. <summary>
  1581. Tests whether the specified values are equal and throws an exception
  1582. if the two values are not equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1583. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1584. </summary>
  1585. <typeparam name="T">
  1586. The type of values to compare.
  1587. </typeparam>
  1588. <param name="expected">
  1589. The first value to compare. This is the value the tests expects.
  1590. </param>
  1591. <param name="actual">
  1592. The second value to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1593. </param>
  1594. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1595. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1596. </exception>
  1597. </member>
  1598. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual``1(``0,``0,System.String)">
  1599. <summary>
  1600. Tests whether the specified values are equal and throws an exception
  1601. if the two values are not equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1602. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1603. </summary>
  1604. <typeparam name="T">
  1605. The type of values to compare.
  1606. </typeparam>
  1607. <param name="expected">
  1608. The first value to compare. This is the value the tests expects.
  1609. </param>
  1610. <param name="actual">
  1611. The second value to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1612. </param>
  1613. <param name="message">
  1614. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1615. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  1616. test results.
  1617. </param>
  1618. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1619. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1620. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1621. </exception>
  1622. </member>
  1623. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual``1(``0,``0,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1624. <summary>
  1625. Tests whether the specified values are equal and throws an exception
  1626. if the two values are not equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1627. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1628. </summary>
  1629. <typeparam name="T">
  1630. The type of values to compare.
  1631. </typeparam>
  1632. <param name="expected">
  1633. The first value to compare. This is the value the tests expects.
  1634. </param>
  1635. <param name="actual">
  1636. The second value to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1637. </param>
  1638. <param name="message">
  1639. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1640. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  1641. test results.
  1642. </param>
  1643. <param name="parameters">
  1644. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1645. </param>
  1646. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1647. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1648. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1649. </exception>
  1650. </member>
  1651. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual``1(``0,``0)">
  1652. <summary>
  1653. Tests whether the specified values are unequal and throws an exception
  1654. if the two values are equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1655. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1656. </summary>
  1657. <typeparam name="T">
  1658. The type of values to compare.
  1659. </typeparam>
  1660. <param name="notExpected">
  1661. The first value to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1662. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1663. </param>
  1664. <param name="actual">
  1665. The second value to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1666. </param>
  1667. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1668. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1669. </exception>
  1670. </member>
  1671. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual``1(``0,``0,System.String)">
  1672. <summary>
  1673. Tests whether the specified values are unequal and throws an exception
  1674. if the two values are equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1675. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1676. </summary>
  1677. <typeparam name="T">
  1678. The type of values to compare.
  1679. </typeparam>
  1680. <param name="notExpected">
  1681. The first value to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1682. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1683. </param>
  1684. <param name="actual">
  1685. The second value to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1686. </param>
  1687. <param name="message">
  1688. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1689. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  1690. test results.
  1691. </param>
  1692. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1693. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1694. </exception>
  1695. </member>
  1696. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual``1(``0,``0,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1697. <summary>
  1698. Tests whether the specified values are unequal and throws an exception
  1699. if the two values are equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1700. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1701. </summary>
  1702. <typeparam name="T">
  1703. The type of values to compare.
  1704. </typeparam>
  1705. <param name="notExpected">
  1706. The first value to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1707. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1708. </param>
  1709. <param name="actual">
  1710. The second value to compare. This is the value produced by the code under test.
  1711. </param>
  1712. <param name="message">
  1713. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1714. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  1715. test results.
  1716. </param>
  1717. <param name="parameters">
  1718. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1719. </param>
  1720. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1721. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1722. </exception>
  1723. </member>
  1724. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Object,System.Object)">
  1725. <summary>
  1726. Tests whether the specified objects are equal and throws an exception
  1727. if the two objects are not equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1728. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1729. </summary>
  1730. <param name="expected">
  1731. The first object to compare. This is the object the tests expects.
  1732. </param>
  1733. <param name="actual">
  1734. The second object to compare. This is the object produced by the code under test.
  1735. </param>
  1736. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1737. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1738. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1739. </exception>
  1740. </member>
  1741. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Object,System.Object,System.String)">
  1742. <summary>
  1743. Tests whether the specified objects are equal and throws an exception
  1744. if the two objects are not equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1745. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1746. </summary>
  1747. <param name="expected">
  1748. The first object to compare. This is the object the tests expects.
  1749. </param>
  1750. <param name="actual">
  1751. The second object to compare. This is the object produced by the code under test.
  1752. </param>
  1753. <param name="message">
  1754. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1755. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  1756. test results.
  1757. </param>
  1758. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1759. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1760. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1761. </exception>
  1762. </member>
  1763. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Object,System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1764. <summary>
  1765. Tests whether the specified objects are equal and throws an exception
  1766. if the two objects are not equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1767. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1768. </summary>
  1769. <param name="expected">
  1770. The first object to compare. This is the object the tests expects.
  1771. </param>
  1772. <param name="actual">
  1773. The second object to compare. This is the object produced by the code under test.
  1774. </param>
  1775. <param name="message">
  1776. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1777. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  1778. test results.
  1779. </param>
  1780. <param name="parameters">
  1781. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1782. </param>
  1783. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1784. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1785. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1786. </exception>
  1787. </member>
  1788. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Object,System.Object)">
  1789. <summary>
  1790. Tests whether the specified objects are unequal and throws an exception
  1791. if the two objects are equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1792. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1793. </summary>
  1794. <param name="notExpected">
  1795. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1796. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1797. </param>
  1798. <param name="actual">
  1799. The second object to compare. This is the object produced by the code under test.
  1800. </param>
  1801. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1802. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1803. </exception>
  1804. </member>
  1805. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Object,System.Object,System.String)">
  1806. <summary>
  1807. Tests whether the specified objects are unequal and throws an exception
  1808. if the two objects are equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1809. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1810. </summary>
  1811. <param name="notExpected">
  1812. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1813. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1814. </param>
  1815. <param name="actual">
  1816. The second object to compare. This is the object produced by the code under test.
  1817. </param>
  1818. <param name="message">
  1819. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1820. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  1821. test results.
  1822. </param>
  1823. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1824. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1825. </exception>
  1826. </member>
  1827. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Object,System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1828. <summary>
  1829. Tests whether the specified objects are unequal and throws an exception
  1830. if the two objects are equal. Different numeric types are treated
  1831. as unequal even if the logical values are equal. 42L is not equal to 42.
  1832. </summary>
  1833. <param name="notExpected">
  1834. The first object to compare. This is the value the test expects not
  1835. to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1836. </param>
  1837. <param name="actual">
  1838. The second object to compare. This is the object produced by the code under test.
  1839. </param>
  1840. <param name="message">
  1841. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1842. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  1843. test results.
  1844. </param>
  1845. <param name="parameters">
  1846. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1847. </param>
  1848. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1849. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1850. </exception>
  1851. </member>
  1852. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  1853. <summary>
  1854. Tests whether the specified floats are equal and throws an exception
  1855. if they are not equal.
  1856. </summary>
  1857. <param name="expected">
  1858. The first float to compare. This is the float the tests expects.
  1859. </param>
  1860. <param name="actual">
  1861. The second float to compare. This is the float produced by the code under test.
  1862. </param>
  1863. <param name="delta">
  1864. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  1865. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  1866. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  1867. </param>
  1868. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1869. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1870. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1871. </exception>
  1872. </member>
  1873. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.String)">
  1874. <summary>
  1875. Tests whether the specified floats are equal and throws an exception
  1876. if they are not equal.
  1877. </summary>
  1878. <param name="expected">
  1879. The first float to compare. This is the float the tests expects.
  1880. </param>
  1881. <param name="actual">
  1882. The second float to compare. This is the float produced by the code under test.
  1883. </param>
  1884. <param name="delta">
  1885. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  1886. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  1887. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  1888. </param>
  1889. <param name="message">
  1890. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1891. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  1892. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  1893. </param>
  1894. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1895. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1896. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1897. </exception>
  1898. </member>
  1899. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1900. <summary>
  1901. Tests whether the specified floats are equal and throws an exception
  1902. if they are not equal.
  1903. </summary>
  1904. <param name="expected">
  1905. The first float to compare. This is the float the tests expects.
  1906. </param>
  1907. <param name="actual">
  1908. The second float to compare. This is the float produced by the code under test.
  1909. </param>
  1910. <param name="delta">
  1911. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  1912. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  1913. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  1914. </param>
  1915. <param name="message">
  1916. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1917. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  1918. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  1919. </param>
  1920. <param name="parameters">
  1921. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1922. </param>
  1923. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1924. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  1925. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1926. </exception>
  1927. </member>
  1928. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single)">
  1929. <summary>
  1930. Tests whether the specified floats are unequal and throws an exception
  1931. if they are equal.
  1932. </summary>
  1933. <param name="notExpected">
  1934. The first float to compare. This is the float the test expects not to
  1935. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1936. </param>
  1937. <param name="actual">
  1938. The second float to compare. This is the float produced by the code under test.
  1939. </param>
  1940. <param name="delta">
  1941. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  1942. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  1943. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  1944. </param>
  1945. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1946. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1947. </exception>
  1948. </member>
  1949. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.String)">
  1950. <summary>
  1951. Tests whether the specified floats are unequal and throws an exception
  1952. if they are equal.
  1953. </summary>
  1954. <param name="notExpected">
  1955. The first float to compare. This is the float the test expects not to
  1956. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1957. </param>
  1958. <param name="actual">
  1959. The second float to compare. This is the float produced by the code under test.
  1960. </param>
  1961. <param name="delta">
  1962. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  1963. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  1964. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  1965. </param>
  1966. <param name="message">
  1967. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1968. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  1969. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  1970. </param>
  1971. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  1972. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1973. </exception>
  1974. </member>
  1975. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Single,System.Single,System.Single,System.String,System.Object[])">
  1976. <summary>
  1977. Tests whether the specified floats are unequal and throws an exception
  1978. if they are equal.
  1979. </summary>
  1980. <param name="notExpected">
  1981. The first float to compare. This is the float the test expects not to
  1982. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  1983. </param>
  1984. <param name="actual">
  1985. The second float to compare. This is the float produced by the code under test.
  1986. </param>
  1987. <param name="delta">
  1988. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  1989. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  1990. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  1991. </param>
  1992. <param name="message">
  1993. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  1994. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  1995. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  1996. </param>
  1997. <param name="parameters">
  1998. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  1999. </param>
  2000. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2001. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2002. </exception>
  2003. </member>
  2004. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
  2005. <summary>
  2006. Tests whether the specified decimals are equal and throws an exception
  2007. if they are not equal.
  2008. </summary>
  2009. <param name="expected">
  2010. The first decimal to compare. This is the decimal the tests expects.
  2011. </param>
  2012. <param name="actual">
  2013. The second decimal to compare. This is the decimal produced by the code under test.
  2014. </param>
  2015. <param name="delta">
  2016. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2017. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2018. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2019. </param>
  2020. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2021. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2022. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2023. </exception>
  2024. </member>
  2025. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.String)">
  2026. <summary>
  2027. Tests whether the specified decimals are equal and throws an exception
  2028. if they are not equal.
  2029. </summary>
  2030. <param name="expected">
  2031. The first decimal to compare. This is the decimal the tests expects.
  2032. </param>
  2033. <param name="actual">
  2034. The second decimal to compare. This is the decimal produced by the code under test.
  2035. </param>
  2036. <param name="delta">
  2037. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2038. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2039. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2040. </param>
  2041. <param name="message">
  2042. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2043. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  2044. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2045. </param>
  2046. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2047. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2048. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2049. </exception>
  2050. </member>
  2051. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2052. <summary>
  2053. Tests whether the specified decimals are equal and throws an exception
  2054. if they are not equal.
  2055. </summary>
  2056. <param name="expected">
  2057. The first decimal to compare. This is the decimal the tests expects.
  2058. </param>
  2059. <param name="actual">
  2060. The second decimal to compare. This is the decimal produced by the code under test.
  2061. </param>
  2062. <param name="delta">
  2063. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2064. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2065. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2066. </param>
  2067. <param name="message">
  2068. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2069. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  2070. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2071. </param>
  2072. <param name="parameters">
  2073. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2074. </param>
  2075. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2076. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2077. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2078. </exception>
  2079. </member>
  2080. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Decimal)">
  2081. <summary>
  2082. Tests whether the specified decimals are unequal and throws an exception
  2083. if they are equal.
  2084. </summary>
  2085. <param name="notExpected">
  2086. The first decimal to compare. This is the decimal the test expects not to
  2087. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2088. </param>
  2089. <param name="actual">
  2090. The second decimal to compare. This is the decimal produced by the code under test.
  2091. </param>
  2092. <param name="delta">
  2093. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2094. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2095. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2096. </param>
  2097. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2098. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2099. </exception>
  2100. </member>
  2101. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.String)">
  2102. <summary>
  2103. Tests whether the specified decimals are unequal and throws an exception
  2104. if they are equal.
  2105. </summary>
  2106. <param name="notExpected">
  2107. The first decimal to compare. This is the decimal the test expects not to
  2108. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2109. </param>
  2110. <param name="actual">
  2111. The second decimal to compare. This is the decimal produced by the code under test.
  2112. </param>
  2113. <param name="delta">
  2114. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2115. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2116. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2117. </param>
  2118. <param name="message">
  2119. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2120. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  2121. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2122. </param>
  2123. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2124. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2125. </exception>
  2126. </member>
  2127. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2128. <summary>
  2129. Tests whether the specified decimals are unequal and throws an exception
  2130. if they are equal.
  2131. </summary>
  2132. <param name="notExpected">
  2133. The first decimal to compare. This is the decimal the test expects not to
  2134. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2135. </param>
  2136. <param name="actual">
  2137. The second decimal to compare. This is the decimal produced by the code under test.
  2138. </param>
  2139. <param name="delta">
  2140. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2141. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2142. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2143. </param>
  2144. <param name="message">
  2145. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2146. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  2147. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2148. </param>
  2149. <param name="parameters">
  2150. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2151. </param>
  2152. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2153. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2154. </exception>
  2155. </member>
  2156. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Int64,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
  2157. <summary>
  2158. Tests whether the specified longs are equal and throws an exception
  2159. if they are not equal.
  2160. </summary>
  2161. <param name="expected">
  2162. The first long to compare. This is the long the tests expects.
  2163. </param>
  2164. <param name="actual">
  2165. The second long to compare. This is the long produced by the code under test.
  2166. </param>
  2167. <param name="delta">
  2168. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2169. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2170. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2171. </param>
  2172. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2173. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2174. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2175. </exception>
  2176. </member>
  2177. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Int64,System.Int64,System.Int64,System.String)">
  2178. <summary>
  2179. Tests whether the specified longs are equal and throws an exception
  2180. if they are not equal.
  2181. </summary>
  2182. <param name="expected">
  2183. The first long to compare. This is the long the tests expects.
  2184. </param>
  2185. <param name="actual">
  2186. The second long to compare. This is the long produced by the code under test.
  2187. </param>
  2188. <param name="delta">
  2189. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2190. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2191. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2192. </param>
  2193. <param name="message">
  2194. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2195. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  2196. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2197. </param>
  2198. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2199. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2200. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2201. </exception>
  2202. </member>
  2203. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Int64,System.Int64,System.Int64,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2204. <summary>
  2205. Tests whether the specified longs are equal and throws an exception
  2206. if they are not equal.
  2207. </summary>
  2208. <param name="expected">
  2209. The first long to compare. This is the long the tests expects.
  2210. </param>
  2211. <param name="actual">
  2212. The second long to compare. This is the long produced by the code under test.
  2213. </param>
  2214. <param name="delta">
  2215. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2216. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2217. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2218. </param>
  2219. <param name="message">
  2220. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2221. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  2222. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2223. </param>
  2224. <param name="parameters">
  2225. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2226. </param>
  2227. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2228. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2229. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2230. </exception>
  2231. </member>
  2232. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Int64,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
  2233. <summary>
  2234. Tests whether the specified longs are unequal and throws an exception
  2235. if they are equal.
  2236. </summary>
  2237. <param name="notExpected">
  2238. The first long to compare. This is the long the test expects not to
  2239. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2240. </param>
  2241. <param name="actual">
  2242. The second long to compare. This is the long produced by the code under test.
  2243. </param>
  2244. <param name="delta">
  2245. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2246. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2247. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2248. </param>
  2249. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2250. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2251. </exception>
  2252. </member>
  2253. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Int64,System.Int64,System.Int64,System.String)">
  2254. <summary>
  2255. Tests whether the specified longs are unequal and throws an exception
  2256. if they are equal.
  2257. </summary>
  2258. <param name="notExpected">
  2259. The first long to compare. This is the long the test expects not to
  2260. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2261. </param>
  2262. <param name="actual">
  2263. The second long to compare. This is the long produced by the code under test.
  2264. </param>
  2265. <param name="delta">
  2266. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2267. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2268. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2269. </param>
  2270. <param name="message">
  2271. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2272. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  2273. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2274. </param>
  2275. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2276. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2277. </exception>
  2278. </member>
  2279. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Int64,System.Int64,System.Int64,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2280. <summary>
  2281. Tests whether the specified longs are unequal and throws an exception
  2282. if they are equal.
  2283. </summary>
  2284. <param name="notExpected">
  2285. The first long to compare. This is the long the test expects not to
  2286. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2287. </param>
  2288. <param name="actual">
  2289. The second long to compare. This is the long produced by the code under test.
  2290. </param>
  2291. <param name="delta">
  2292. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2293. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2294. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2295. </param>
  2296. <param name="message">
  2297. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2298. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  2299. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2300. </param>
  2301. <param name="parameters">
  2302. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2303. </param>
  2304. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2305. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2306. </exception>
  2307. </member>
  2308. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
  2309. <summary>
  2310. Tests whether the specified doubles are equal and throws an exception
  2311. if they are not equal.
  2312. </summary>
  2313. <param name="expected">
  2314. The first double to compare. This is the double the tests expects.
  2315. </param>
  2316. <param name="actual">
  2317. The second double to compare. This is the double produced by the code under test.
  2318. </param>
  2319. <param name="delta">
  2320. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2321. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2322. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2323. </param>
  2324. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2325. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  2326. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2327. </exception>
  2328. </member>
  2329. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.String)">
  2330. <summary>
  2331. Tests whether the specified doubles are equal and throws an exception
  2332. if they are not equal.
  2333. </summary>
  2334. <param name="expected">
  2335. The first double to compare. This is the double the tests expects.
  2336. </param>
  2337. <param name="actual">
  2338. The second double to compare. This is the double produced by the code under test.
  2339. </param>
  2340. <param name="delta">
  2341. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2342. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2343. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2344. </param>
  2345. <param name="message">
  2346. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2347. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  2348. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2349. </param>
  2350. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2351. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2352. </exception>
  2353. </member>
  2354. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2355. <summary>
  2356. Tests whether the specified doubles are equal and throws an exception
  2357. if they are not equal.
  2358. </summary>
  2359. <param name="expected">
  2360. The first double to compare. This is the double the tests expects.
  2361. </param>
  2362. <param name="actual">
  2363. The second double to compare. This is the double produced by the code under test.
  2364. </param>
  2365. <param name="delta">
  2366. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2367. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="expected"/>
  2368. by more than <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2369. </param>
  2370. <param name="message">
  2371. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2372. is different than <paramref name="expected"/> by more than
  2373. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2374. </param>
  2375. <param name="parameters">
  2376. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2377. </param>
  2378. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2379. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2380. </exception>
  2381. </member>
  2382. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
  2383. <summary>
  2384. Tests whether the specified doubles are unequal and throws an exception
  2385. if they are equal.
  2386. </summary>
  2387. <param name="notExpected">
  2388. The first double to compare. This is the double the test expects not to
  2389. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2390. </param>
  2391. <param name="actual">
  2392. The second double to compare. This is the double produced by the code under test.
  2393. </param>
  2394. <param name="delta">
  2395. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2396. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2397. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2398. </param>
  2399. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2400. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2401. </exception>
  2402. </member>
  2403. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.String)">
  2404. <summary>
  2405. Tests whether the specified doubles are unequal and throws an exception
  2406. if they are equal.
  2407. </summary>
  2408. <param name="notExpected">
  2409. The first double to compare. This is the double the test expects not to
  2410. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2411. </param>
  2412. <param name="actual">
  2413. The second double to compare. This is the double produced by the code under test.
  2414. </param>
  2415. <param name="delta">
  2416. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2417. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2418. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2419. </param>
  2420. <param name="message">
  2421. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2422. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  2423. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2424. </param>
  2425. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2426. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2427. </exception>
  2428. </member>
  2429. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2430. <summary>
  2431. Tests whether the specified doubles are unequal and throws an exception
  2432. if they are equal.
  2433. </summary>
  2434. <param name="notExpected">
  2435. The first double to compare. This is the double the test expects not to
  2436. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2437. </param>
  2438. <param name="actual">
  2439. The second double to compare. This is the double produced by the code under test.
  2440. </param>
  2441. <param name="delta">
  2442. The required accuracy. An exception will be thrown only if
  2443. <paramref name="actual"/> is different than <paramref name="notExpected"/>
  2444. by at most <paramref name="delta"/>.
  2445. </param>
  2446. <param name="message">
  2447. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2448. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/> or different by less than
  2449. <paramref name="delta"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  2450. </param>
  2451. <param name="parameters">
  2452. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2453. </param>
  2454. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2455. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2456. </exception>
  2457. </member>
  2458. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2459. <summary>
  2460. Tests whether the specified strings are equal and throws an exception
  2461. if they are not equal. The invariant culture is used for the comparison.
  2462. </summary>
  2463. <param name="expected">
  2464. The first string to compare. This is the string the tests expects.
  2465. </param>
  2466. <param name="actual">
  2467. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2468. </param>
  2469. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2470. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2471. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2472. </param>
  2473. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2474. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2475. </exception>
  2476. </member>
  2477. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  2478. <summary>
  2479. Tests whether the specified strings are equal and throws an exception
  2480. if they are not equal. The invariant culture is used for the comparison.
  2481. </summary>
  2482. <param name="expected">
  2483. The first string to compare. This is the string the tests expects.
  2484. </param>
  2485. <param name="actual">
  2486. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2487. </param>
  2488. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2489. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2490. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2491. </param>
  2492. <param name="message">
  2493. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2494. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  2495. test results.
  2496. </param>
  2497. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2498. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2499. </exception>
  2500. </member>
  2501. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2502. <summary>
  2503. Tests whether the specified strings are equal and throws an exception
  2504. if they are not equal. The invariant culture is used for the comparison.
  2505. </summary>
  2506. <param name="expected">
  2507. The first string to compare. This is the string the tests expects.
  2508. </param>
  2509. <param name="actual">
  2510. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2511. </param>
  2512. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2513. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2514. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2515. </param>
  2516. <param name="message">
  2517. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2518. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  2519. test results.
  2520. </param>
  2521. <param name="parameters">
  2522. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2523. </param>
  2524. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2525. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2526. </exception>
  2527. </member>
  2528. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Globalization.CultureInfo)">
  2529. <summary>
  2530. Tests whether the specified strings are equal and throws an exception
  2531. if they are not equal.
  2532. </summary>
  2533. <param name="expected">
  2534. The first string to compare. This is the string the tests expects.
  2535. </param>
  2536. <param name="actual">
  2537. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2538. </param>
  2539. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2540. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2541. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2542. </param>
  2543. <param name="culture">
  2544. A CultureInfo object that supplies culture-specific comparison information.
  2545. </param>
  2546. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2547. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2548. </exception>
  2549. </member>
  2550. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.String)">
  2551. <summary>
  2552. Tests whether the specified strings are equal and throws an exception
  2553. if they are not equal.
  2554. </summary>
  2555. <param name="expected">
  2556. The first string to compare. This is the string the tests expects.
  2557. </param>
  2558. <param name="actual">
  2559. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2560. </param>
  2561. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2562. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2563. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2564. </param>
  2565. <param name="culture">
  2566. A CultureInfo object that supplies culture-specific comparison information.
  2567. </param>
  2568. <param name="message">
  2569. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2570. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  2571. test results.
  2572. </param>
  2573. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2574. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2575. </exception>
  2576. </member>
  2577. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2578. <summary>
  2579. Tests whether the specified strings are equal and throws an exception
  2580. if they are not equal.
  2581. </summary>
  2582. <param name="expected">
  2583. The first string to compare. This is the string the tests expects.
  2584. </param>
  2585. <param name="actual">
  2586. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2587. </param>
  2588. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2589. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2590. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2591. </param>
  2592. <param name="culture">
  2593. A CultureInfo object that supplies culture-specific comparison information.
  2594. </param>
  2595. <param name="message">
  2596. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2597. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  2598. test results.
  2599. </param>
  2600. <param name="parameters">
  2601. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2602. </param>
  2603. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2604. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2605. </exception>
  2606. </member>
  2607. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2608. <summary>
  2609. Tests whether the specified strings are unequal and throws an exception
  2610. if they are equal. The invariant culture is used for the comparison.
  2611. </summary>
  2612. <param name="notExpected">
  2613. The first string to compare. This is the string the test expects not to
  2614. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2615. </param>
  2616. <param name="actual">
  2617. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2618. </param>
  2619. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2620. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2621. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2622. </param>
  2623. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2624. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2625. </exception>
  2626. </member>
  2627. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String)">
  2628. <summary>
  2629. Tests whether the specified strings are unequal and throws an exception
  2630. if they are equal. The invariant culture is used for the comparison.
  2631. </summary>
  2632. <param name="notExpected">
  2633. The first string to compare. This is the string the test expects not to
  2634. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2635. </param>
  2636. <param name="actual">
  2637. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2638. </param>
  2639. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2640. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2641. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2642. </param>
  2643. <param name="message">
  2644. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2645. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  2646. test results.
  2647. </param>
  2648. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2649. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2650. </exception>
  2651. </member>
  2652. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2653. <summary>
  2654. Tests whether the specified strings are unequal and throws an exception
  2655. if they are equal. The invariant culture is used for the comparison.
  2656. </summary>
  2657. <param name="notExpected">
  2658. The first string to compare. This is the string the test expects not to
  2659. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2660. </param>
  2661. <param name="actual">
  2662. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2663. </param>
  2664. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2665. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2666. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2667. </param>
  2668. <param name="message">
  2669. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2670. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  2671. test results.
  2672. </param>
  2673. <param name="parameters">
  2674. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2675. </param>
  2676. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2677. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2678. </exception>
  2679. </member>
  2680. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Globalization.CultureInfo)">
  2681. <summary>
  2682. Tests whether the specified strings are unequal and throws an exception
  2683. if they are equal.
  2684. </summary>
  2685. <param name="notExpected">
  2686. The first string to compare. This is the string the test expects not to
  2687. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2688. </param>
  2689. <param name="actual">
  2690. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2691. </param>
  2692. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2693. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2694. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2695. </param>
  2696. <param name="culture">
  2697. A CultureInfo object that supplies culture-specific comparison information.
  2698. </param>
  2699. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2700. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2701. </exception>
  2702. </member>
  2703. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.String)">
  2704. <summary>
  2705. Tests whether the specified strings are unequal and throws an exception
  2706. if they are equal.
  2707. </summary>
  2708. <param name="notExpected">
  2709. The first string to compare. This is the string the test expects not to
  2710. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2711. </param>
  2712. <param name="actual">
  2713. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2714. </param>
  2715. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2716. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2717. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2718. </param>
  2719. <param name="culture">
  2720. A CultureInfo object that supplies culture-specific comparison information.
  2721. </param>
  2722. <param name="message">
  2723. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2724. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  2725. test results.
  2726. </param>
  2727. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2728. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2729. </exception>
  2730. </member>
  2731. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.AreNotEqual(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2732. <summary>
  2733. Tests whether the specified strings are unequal and throws an exception
  2734. if they are equal.
  2735. </summary>
  2736. <param name="notExpected">
  2737. The first string to compare. This is the string the test expects not to
  2738. match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2739. </param>
  2740. <param name="actual">
  2741. The second string to compare. This is the string produced by the code under test.
  2742. </param>
  2743. <param name="ignoreCase">
  2744. A Boolean indicating a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison. (true
  2745. indicates a case-insensitive comparison.)
  2746. </param>
  2747. <param name="culture">
  2748. A CultureInfo object that supplies culture-specific comparison information.
  2749. </param>
  2750. <param name="message">
  2751. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  2752. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  2753. test results.
  2754. </param>
  2755. <param name="parameters">
  2756. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2757. </param>
  2758. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2759. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  2760. </exception>
  2761. </member>
  2762. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsInstanceOfType(System.Object,System.Type)">
  2763. <summary>
  2764. Tests whether the specified object is an instance of the expected
  2765. type and throws an exception if the expected type is not in the
  2766. inheritance hierarchy of the object.
  2767. </summary>
  2768. <param name="value">
  2769. The object the test expects to be of the specified type.
  2770. </param>
  2771. <param name="expectedType">
  2772. The expected type of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2773. </param>
  2774. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2775. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is null or
  2776. <paramref name="expectedType"/> is not in the inheritance hierarchy
  2777. of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2778. </exception>
  2779. </member>
  2780. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsInstanceOfType(System.Object,System.Type,System.String)">
  2781. <summary>
  2782. Tests whether the specified object is an instance of the expected
  2783. type and throws an exception if the expected type is not in the
  2784. inheritance hierarchy of the object.
  2785. </summary>
  2786. <param name="value">
  2787. The object the test expects to be of the specified type.
  2788. </param>
  2789. <param name="expectedType">
  2790. The expected type of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2791. </param>
  2792. <param name="message">
  2793. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  2794. is not an instance of <paramref name="expectedType"/>. The message is
  2795. shown in test results.
  2796. </param>
  2797. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2798. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is null or
  2799. <paramref name="expectedType"/> is not in the inheritance hierarchy
  2800. of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2801. </exception>
  2802. </member>
  2803. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsInstanceOfType(System.Object,System.Type,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2804. <summary>
  2805. Tests whether the specified object is an instance of the expected
  2806. type and throws an exception if the expected type is not in the
  2807. inheritance hierarchy of the object.
  2808. </summary>
  2809. <param name="value">
  2810. The object the test expects to be of the specified type.
  2811. </param>
  2812. <param name="expectedType">
  2813. The expected type of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2814. </param>
  2815. <param name="message">
  2816. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  2817. is not an instance of <paramref name="expectedType"/>. The message is
  2818. shown in test results.
  2819. </param>
  2820. <param name="parameters">
  2821. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2822. </param>
  2823. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2824. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is null or
  2825. <paramref name="expectedType"/> is not in the inheritance hierarchy
  2826. of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2827. </exception>
  2828. </member>
  2829. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(System.Object,System.Type)">
  2830. <summary>
  2831. Tests whether the specified object is not an instance of the wrong
  2832. type and throws an exception if the specified type is in the
  2833. inheritance hierarchy of the object.
  2834. </summary>
  2835. <param name="value">
  2836. The object the test expects not to be of the specified type.
  2837. </param>
  2838. <param name="wrongType">
  2839. The type that <paramref name="value"/> should not be.
  2840. </param>
  2841. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2842. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is not null and
  2843. <paramref name="wrongType"/> is in the inheritance hierarchy
  2844. of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2845. </exception>
  2846. </member>
  2847. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(System.Object,System.Type,System.String)">
  2848. <summary>
  2849. Tests whether the specified object is not an instance of the wrong
  2850. type and throws an exception if the specified type is in the
  2851. inheritance hierarchy of the object.
  2852. </summary>
  2853. <param name="value">
  2854. The object the test expects not to be of the specified type.
  2855. </param>
  2856. <param name="wrongType">
  2857. The type that <paramref name="value"/> should not be.
  2858. </param>
  2859. <param name="message">
  2860. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  2861. is an instance of <paramref name="wrongType"/>. The message is shown
  2862. in test results.
  2863. </param>
  2864. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2865. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is not null and
  2866. <paramref name="wrongType"/> is in the inheritance hierarchy
  2867. of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2868. </exception>
  2869. </member>
  2870. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType(System.Object,System.Type,System.String,System.Object[])">
  2871. <summary>
  2872. Tests whether the specified object is not an instance of the wrong
  2873. type and throws an exception if the specified type is in the
  2874. inheritance hierarchy of the object.
  2875. </summary>
  2876. <param name="value">
  2877. The object the test expects not to be of the specified type.
  2878. </param>
  2879. <param name="wrongType">
  2880. The type that <paramref name="value"/> should not be.
  2881. </param>
  2882. <param name="message">
  2883. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  2884. is an instance of <paramref name="wrongType"/>. The message is shown
  2885. in test results.
  2886. </param>
  2887. <param name="parameters">
  2888. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2889. </param>
  2890. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2891. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> is not null and
  2892. <paramref name="wrongType"/> is in the inheritance hierarchy
  2893. of <paramref name="value"/>.
  2894. </exception>
  2895. </member>
  2896. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Fail">
  2897. <summary>
  2898. Throws an AssertFailedException.
  2899. </summary>
  2900. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2901. Always thrown.
  2902. </exception>
  2903. </member>
  2904. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Fail(System.String)">
  2905. <summary>
  2906. Throws an AssertFailedException.
  2907. </summary>
  2908. <param name="message">
  2909. The message to include in the exception. The message is shown in
  2910. test results.
  2911. </param>
  2912. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2913. Always thrown.
  2914. </exception>
  2915. </member>
  2916. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Fail(System.String,System.Object[])">
  2917. <summary>
  2918. Throws an AssertFailedException.
  2919. </summary>
  2920. <param name="message">
  2921. The message to include in the exception. The message is shown in
  2922. test results.
  2923. </param>
  2924. <param name="parameters">
  2925. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2926. </param>
  2927. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2928. Always thrown.
  2929. </exception>
  2930. </member>
  2931. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Inconclusive">
  2932. <summary>
  2933. Throws an AssertInconclusiveException.
  2934. </summary>
  2935. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException">
  2936. Always thrown.
  2937. </exception>
  2938. </member>
  2939. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Inconclusive(System.String)">
  2940. <summary>
  2941. Throws an AssertInconclusiveException.
  2942. </summary>
  2943. <param name="message">
  2944. The message to include in the exception. The message is shown in
  2945. test results.
  2946. </param>
  2947. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException">
  2948. Always thrown.
  2949. </exception>
  2950. </member>
  2951. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Inconclusive(System.String,System.Object[])">
  2952. <summary>
  2953. Throws an AssertInconclusiveException.
  2954. </summary>
  2955. <param name="message">
  2956. The message to include in the exception. The message is shown in
  2957. test results.
  2958. </param>
  2959. <param name="parameters">
  2960. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  2961. </param>
  2962. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertInconclusiveException">
  2963. Always thrown.
  2964. </exception>
  2965. </member>
  2966. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">
  2967. <summary>
  2968. Static equals overloads are used for comparing instances of two types for reference
  2969. equality. This method should <b>not</b> be used for comparison of two instances for
  2970. equality. This object will <b>always</b> throw with Assert.Fail. Please use
  2971. Assert.AreEqual and associated overloads in your unit tests.
  2972. </summary>
  2973. <param name="objA"> Object A </param>
  2974. <param name="objB"> Object B </param>
  2975. <returns> False, always. </returns>
  2976. </member>
  2977. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsException``1(System.Action)">
  2978. <summary>
  2979. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  2980. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  2981. </summary>
  2982. <param name="action">
  2983. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  2984. </param>
  2985. <typeparam name="T">
  2986. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  2987. </typeparam>
  2988. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  2989. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  2990. </exception>
  2991. <returns>
  2992. The exception that was thrown.
  2993. </returns>
  2994. </member>
  2995. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsException``1(System.Action,System.String)">
  2996. <summary>
  2997. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  2998. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  2999. </summary>
  3000. <param name="action">
  3001. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  3002. </param>
  3003. <param name="message">
  3004. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="action"/>
  3005. does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3006. </param>
  3007. <typeparam name="T">
  3008. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  3009. </typeparam>
  3010. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3011. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3012. </exception>
  3013. <returns>
  3014. The exception that was thrown.
  3015. </returns>
  3016. </member>
  3017. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsException``1(System.Func{System.Object})">
  3018. <summary>
  3019. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3020. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3021. </summary>
  3022. <param name="action">
  3023. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  3024. </param>
  3025. <typeparam name="T">
  3026. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  3027. </typeparam>
  3028. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3029. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3030. </exception>
  3031. <returns>
  3032. The exception that was thrown.
  3033. </returns>
  3034. </member>
  3035. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsException``1(System.Func{System.Object},System.String)">
  3036. <summary>
  3037. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3038. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3039. </summary>
  3040. <param name="action">
  3041. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  3042. </param>
  3043. <param name="message">
  3044. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="action"/>
  3045. does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3046. </param>
  3047. <typeparam name="T">
  3048. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  3049. </typeparam>
  3050. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3051. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3052. </exception>
  3053. <returns>
  3054. The exception that was thrown.
  3055. </returns>
  3056. </member>
  3057. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsException``1(System.Func{System.Object},System.String,System.Object[])">
  3058. <summary>
  3059. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3060. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3061. </summary>
  3062. <param name="action">
  3063. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  3064. </param>
  3065. <param name="message">
  3066. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="action"/>
  3067. does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3068. </param>
  3069. <param name="parameters">
  3070. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3071. </param>
  3072. <typeparam name="T">
  3073. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  3074. </typeparam>
  3075. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3076. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throw exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3077. </exception>
  3078. <returns>
  3079. The exception that was thrown.
  3080. </returns>
  3081. </member>
  3082. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsException``1(System.Action,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3083. <summary>
  3084. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3085. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3086. </summary>
  3087. <param name="action">
  3088. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  3089. </param>
  3090. <param name="message">
  3091. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="action"/>
  3092. does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3093. </param>
  3094. <param name="parameters">
  3095. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3096. </param>
  3097. <typeparam name="T">
  3098. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  3099. </typeparam>
  3100. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3101. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3102. </exception>
  3103. <returns>
  3104. The exception that was thrown.
  3105. </returns>
  3106. </member>
  3107. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync``1(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
  3108. <summary>
  3109. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3110. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3111. </summary>
  3112. <param name="action">
  3113. Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.
  3114. </param>
  3115. <typeparam name="T">
  3116. Type of exception expected to be thrown.
  3117. </typeparam>
  3118. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3119. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3120. </exception>
  3121. <returns>
  3122. The <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> executing the delegate.
  3123. </returns>
  3124. </member>
  3125. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync``1(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task},System.String)">
  3126. <summary>
  3127. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3128. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3129. </summary>
  3130. <param name="action">Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.</param>
  3131. <param name="message">
  3132. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="action"/>
  3133. does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3134. </param>
  3135. <typeparam name="T">Type of exception expected to be thrown.</typeparam>
  3136. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3137. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3138. </exception>
  3139. <returns>
  3140. The <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> executing the delegate.
  3141. </returns>
  3142. </member>
  3143. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync``1(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task},System.String,System.Object[])">
  3144. <summary>
  3145. Tests whether the code specified by delegate <paramref name="action"/> throws exact given exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/> (and not of derived type)
  3146. and throws <c>AssertFailedException</c> if code does not throws exception or throws exception of type other than <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3147. </summary>
  3148. <param name="action">Delegate to code to be tested and which is expected to throw exception.</param>
  3149. <param name="message">
  3150. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="action"/>
  3151. does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3152. </param>
  3153. <param name="parameters">
  3154. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3155. </param>
  3156. <typeparam name="T">Type of exception expected to be thrown.</typeparam>
  3157. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3158. Thrown if <paramref name="action"/> does not throws exception of type <typeparamref name="T"/>.
  3159. </exception>
  3160. <returns>
  3161. The <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> executing the delegate.
  3162. </returns>
  3163. </member>
  3164. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ReplaceNullChars(System.String)">
  3165. <summary>
  3166. Replaces null characters ('\0') with "\\0".
  3167. </summary>
  3168. <param name="input">
  3169. The string to search.
  3170. </param>
  3171. <returns>
  3172. The converted string with null characters replaced by "\\0".
  3173. </returns>
  3174. <remarks>
  3175. This is only public and still present to preserve compatibility with the V1 framework.
  3176. </remarks>
  3177. </member>
  3178. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.HandleFail(System.String,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3179. <summary>
  3180. Helper function that creates and throws an AssertionFailedException
  3181. </summary>
  3182. <param name="assertionName">
  3183. name of the assertion throwing an exception
  3184. </param>
  3185. <param name="message">
  3186. message describing conditions for assertion failure
  3187. </param>
  3188. <param name="parameters">
  3189. The parameters.
  3190. </param>
  3191. </member>
  3192. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.CheckParameterNotNull(System.Object,System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3193. <summary>
  3194. Checks the parameter for valid conditions
  3195. </summary>
  3196. <param name="param">
  3197. The parameter.
  3198. </param>
  3199. <param name="assertionName">
  3200. The assertion Name.
  3201. </param>
  3202. <param name="parameterName">
  3203. parameter name
  3204. </param>
  3205. <param name="message">
  3206. message for the invalid parameter exception
  3207. </param>
  3208. <param name="parameters">
  3209. The parameters.
  3210. </param>
  3211. </member>
  3212. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Assert.ReplaceNulls(System.Object)">
  3213. <summary>
  3214. Safely converts an object to a string, handling null values and null characters.
  3215. Null values are converted to "(null)". Null characters are converted to "\\0".
  3216. </summary>
  3217. <param name="input">
  3218. The object to convert to a string.
  3219. </param>
  3220. <returns>
  3221. The converted string.
  3222. </returns>
  3223. </member>
  3224. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert">
  3225. <summary>
  3226. The string assert.
  3227. </summary>
  3228. </member>
  3229. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.That">
  3230. <summary>
  3231. Gets the singleton instance of the CollectionAssert functionality.
  3232. </summary>
  3233. <remarks>
  3234. Users can use this to plug-in custom assertions through C# extension methods.
  3235. For instance, the signature of a custom assertion provider could be "public static void ContainsWords(this StringAssert customAssert, string value, ICollection substrings)"
  3236. Users could then use a syntax similar to the default assertions which in this case is "StringAssert.That.ContainsWords(value, substrings);"
  3237. More documentation is at "".
  3238. </remarks>
  3239. </member>
  3240. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Contains(System.String,System.String)">
  3241. <summary>
  3242. Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
  3243. and throws an exception if the substring does not occur within the
  3244. test string.
  3245. </summary>
  3246. <param name="value">
  3247. The string that is expected to contain <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3248. </param>
  3249. <param name="substring">
  3250. The string expected to occur within <paramref name="value"/>.
  3251. </param>
  3252. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3253. Thrown if <paramref name="substring"/> is not found in
  3254. <paramref name="value"/>.
  3255. </exception>
  3256. </member>
  3257. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
  3258. <summary>
  3259. Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
  3260. and throws an exception if the substring does not occur within the
  3261. test string.
  3262. </summary>
  3263. <param name="value">
  3264. The string that is expected to contain <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3265. </param>
  3266. <param name="substring">
  3267. The string expected to occur within <paramref name="value"/>.
  3268. </param>
  3269. <param name="comparisonType">
  3270. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3271. </param>
  3272. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3273. Thrown if <paramref name="substring"/> is not found in
  3274. <paramref name="value"/>.
  3275. </exception>
  3276. </member>
  3277. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  3278. <summary>
  3279. Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
  3280. and throws an exception if the substring does not occur within the
  3281. test string.
  3282. </summary>
  3283. <param name="value">
  3284. The string that is expected to contain <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3285. </param>
  3286. <param name="substring">
  3287. The string expected to occur within <paramref name="value"/>.
  3288. </param>
  3289. <param name="message">
  3290. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="substring"/>
  3291. is not in <paramref name="value"/>. The message is shown in
  3292. test results.
  3293. </param>
  3294. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3295. Thrown if <paramref name="substring"/> is not found in
  3296. <paramref name="value"/>.
  3297. </exception>
  3298. </member>
  3299. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
  3300. <summary>
  3301. Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
  3302. and throws an exception if the substring does not occur within the
  3303. test string.
  3304. </summary>
  3305. <param name="value">
  3306. The string that is expected to contain <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3307. </param>
  3308. <param name="substring">
  3309. The string expected to occur within <paramref name="value"/>.
  3310. </param>
  3311. <param name="message">
  3312. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="substring"/>
  3313. is not in <paramref name="value"/>. The message is shown in
  3314. test results.
  3315. </param>
  3316. <param name="comparisonType">
  3317. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3318. </param>
  3319. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3320. Thrown if <paramref name="substring"/> is not found in
  3321. <paramref name="value"/>.
  3322. </exception>
  3323. </member>
  3324. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3325. <summary>
  3326. Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
  3327. and throws an exception if the substring does not occur within the
  3328. test string.
  3329. </summary>
  3330. <param name="value">
  3331. The string that is expected to contain <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3332. </param>
  3333. <param name="substring">
  3334. The string expected to occur within <paramref name="value"/>.
  3335. </param>
  3336. <param name="message">
  3337. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="substring"/>
  3338. is not in <paramref name="value"/>. The message is shown in
  3339. test results.
  3340. </param>
  3341. <param name="parameters">
  3342. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3343. </param>
  3344. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3345. Thrown if <paramref name="substring"/> is not found in
  3346. <paramref name="value"/>.
  3347. </exception>
  3348. </member>
  3349. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison,System.Object[])">
  3350. <summary>
  3351. Tests whether the specified string contains the specified substring
  3352. and throws an exception if the substring does not occur within the
  3353. test string.
  3354. </summary>
  3355. <param name="value">
  3356. The string that is expected to contain <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3357. </param>
  3358. <param name="substring">
  3359. The string expected to occur within <paramref name="value"/>.
  3360. </param>
  3361. <param name="message">
  3362. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="substring"/>
  3363. is not in <paramref name="value"/>. The message is shown in
  3364. test results.
  3365. </param>
  3366. <param name="comparisonType">
  3367. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3368. </param>
  3369. <param name="parameters">
  3370. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3371. </param>
  3372. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3373. Thrown if <paramref name="substring"/> is not found in
  3374. <paramref name="value"/>.
  3375. </exception>
  3376. </member>
  3377. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.StartsWith(System.String,System.String)">
  3378. <summary>
  3379. Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
  3380. and throws an exception if the test string does not start with the
  3381. substring.
  3382. </summary>
  3383. <param name="value">
  3384. The string that is expected to begin with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3385. </param>
  3386. <param name="substring">
  3387. The string expected to be a prefix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3388. </param>
  3389. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3390. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not begin with
  3391. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3392. </exception>
  3393. </member>
  3394. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.StartsWith(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
  3395. <summary>
  3396. Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
  3397. and throws an exception if the test string does not start with the
  3398. substring.
  3399. </summary>
  3400. <param name="value">
  3401. The string that is expected to begin with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3402. </param>
  3403. <param name="substring">
  3404. The string expected to be a prefix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3405. </param>
  3406. <param name="comparisonType">
  3407. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3408. </param>
  3409. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3410. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not begin with
  3411. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3412. </exception>
  3413. </member>
  3414. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.StartsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  3415. <summary>
  3416. Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
  3417. and throws an exception if the test string does not start with the
  3418. substring.
  3419. </summary>
  3420. <param name="value">
  3421. The string that is expected to begin with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3422. </param>
  3423. <param name="substring">
  3424. The string expected to be a prefix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3425. </param>
  3426. <param name="message">
  3427. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3428. does not begin with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3429. shown in test results.
  3430. </param>
  3431. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3432. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not begin with
  3433. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3434. </exception>
  3435. </member>
  3436. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.StartsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3437. <summary>
  3438. Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
  3439. and throws an exception if the test string does not start with the
  3440. substring.
  3441. </summary>
  3442. <param name="value">
  3443. The string that is expected to begin with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3444. </param>
  3445. <param name="substring">
  3446. The string expected to be a prefix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3447. </param>
  3448. <param name="message">
  3449. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3450. does not begin with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3451. shown in test results.
  3452. </param>
  3453. <param name="parameters">
  3454. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3455. </param>
  3456. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3457. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not begin with
  3458. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3459. </exception>
  3460. </member>
  3461. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.StartsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
  3462. <summary>
  3463. Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
  3464. and throws an exception if the test string does not start with the
  3465. substring.
  3466. </summary>
  3467. <param name="value">
  3468. The string that is expected to begin with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3469. </param>
  3470. <param name="substring">
  3471. The string expected to be a prefix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3472. </param>
  3473. <param name="message">
  3474. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3475. does not begin with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3476. shown in test results.
  3477. </param>
  3478. <param name="comparisonType">
  3479. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3480. </param>
  3481. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3482. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not begin with
  3483. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3484. </exception>
  3485. </member>
  3486. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.StartsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison,System.Object[])">
  3487. <summary>
  3488. Tests whether the specified string begins with the specified substring
  3489. and throws an exception if the test string does not start with the
  3490. substring.
  3491. </summary>
  3492. <param name="value">
  3493. The string that is expected to begin with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3494. </param>
  3495. <param name="substring">
  3496. The string expected to be a prefix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3497. </param>
  3498. <param name="message">
  3499. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3500. does not begin with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3501. shown in test results.
  3502. </param>
  3503. <param name="comparisonType">
  3504. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3505. </param>
  3506. <param name="parameters">
  3507. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3508. </param>
  3509. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3510. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not begin with
  3511. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3512. </exception>
  3513. </member>
  3514. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.EndsWith(System.String,System.String)">
  3515. <summary>
  3516. Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified substring
  3517. and throws an exception if the test string does not end with the
  3518. substring.
  3519. </summary>
  3520. <param name="value">
  3521. The string that is expected to end with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3522. </param>
  3523. <param name="substring">
  3524. The string expected to be a suffix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3525. </param>
  3526. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3527. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not end with
  3528. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3529. </exception>
  3530. </member>
  3531. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.EndsWith(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
  3532. <summary>
  3533. Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified substring
  3534. and throws an exception if the test string does not end with the
  3535. substring.
  3536. </summary>
  3537. <param name="value">
  3538. The string that is expected to end with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3539. </param>
  3540. <param name="substring">
  3541. The string expected to be a suffix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3542. </param>
  3543. <param name="comparisonType">
  3544. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3545. </param>
  3546. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3547. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not end with
  3548. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3549. </exception>
  3550. </member>
  3551. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.EndsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  3552. <summary>
  3553. Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified substring
  3554. and throws an exception if the test string does not end with the
  3555. substring.
  3556. </summary>
  3557. <param name="value">
  3558. The string that is expected to end with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3559. </param>
  3560. <param name="substring">
  3561. The string expected to be a suffix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3562. </param>
  3563. <param name="message">
  3564. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3565. does not end with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3566. shown in test results.
  3567. </param>
  3568. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3569. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not end with
  3570. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3571. </exception>
  3572. </member>
  3573. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.EndsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3574. <summary>
  3575. Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified substring
  3576. and throws an exception if the test string does not end with the
  3577. substring.
  3578. </summary>
  3579. <param name="value">
  3580. The string that is expected to end with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3581. </param>
  3582. <param name="substring">
  3583. The string expected to be a suffix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3584. </param>
  3585. <param name="message">
  3586. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3587. does not end with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3588. shown in test results.
  3589. </param>
  3590. <param name="parameters">
  3591. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3592. </param>
  3593. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3594. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not end with
  3595. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3596. </exception>
  3597. </member>
  3598. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.EndsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
  3599. <summary>
  3600. Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified substring
  3601. and throws an exception if the test string does not end with the
  3602. substring.
  3603. </summary>
  3604. <param name="value">
  3605. The string that is expected to end with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3606. </param>
  3607. <param name="substring">
  3608. The string expected to be a suffix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3609. </param>
  3610. <param name="message">
  3611. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3612. does not end with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3613. shown in test results.
  3614. </param>
  3615. <param name="comparisonType">
  3616. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3617. </param>
  3618. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3619. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not end with
  3620. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3621. </exception>
  3622. </member>
  3623. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.EndsWith(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison,System.Object[])">
  3624. <summary>
  3625. Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified substring
  3626. and throws an exception if the test string does not end with the
  3627. substring.
  3628. </summary>
  3629. <param name="value">
  3630. The string that is expected to end with <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3631. </param>
  3632. <param name="substring">
  3633. The string expected to be a suffix of <paramref name="value"/>.
  3634. </param>
  3635. <param name="message">
  3636. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3637. does not end with <paramref name="substring"/>. The message is
  3638. shown in test results.
  3639. </param>
  3640. <param name="comparisonType">
  3641. The comparison method to compare strings <paramref name="comparisonType"/>.
  3642. </param>
  3643. <param name="parameters">
  3644. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3645. </param>
  3646. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3647. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not end with
  3648. <paramref name="substring"/>.
  3649. </exception>
  3650. </member>
  3651. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Matches(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex)">
  3652. <summary>
  3653. Tests whether the specified string matches a regular expression and
  3654. throws an exception if the string does not match the expression.
  3655. </summary>
  3656. <param name="value">
  3657. The string that is expected to match <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3658. </param>
  3659. <param name="pattern">
  3660. The regular expression that <paramref name="value"/> is
  3661. expected to match.
  3662. </param>
  3663. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3664. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not match
  3665. <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3666. </exception>
  3667. </member>
  3668. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Matches(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String)">
  3669. <summary>
  3670. Tests whether the specified string matches a regular expression and
  3671. throws an exception if the string does not match the expression.
  3672. </summary>
  3673. <param name="value">
  3674. The string that is expected to match <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3675. </param>
  3676. <param name="pattern">
  3677. The regular expression that <paramref name="value"/> is
  3678. expected to match.
  3679. </param>
  3680. <param name="message">
  3681. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3682. does not match <paramref name="pattern"/>. The message is shown in
  3683. test results.
  3684. </param>
  3685. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3686. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not match
  3687. <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3688. </exception>
  3689. </member>
  3690. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.Matches(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3691. <summary>
  3692. Tests whether the specified string matches a regular expression and
  3693. throws an exception if the string does not match the expression.
  3694. </summary>
  3695. <param name="value">
  3696. The string that is expected to match <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3697. </param>
  3698. <param name="pattern">
  3699. The regular expression that <paramref name="value"/> is
  3700. expected to match.
  3701. </param>
  3702. <param name="message">
  3703. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3704. does not match <paramref name="pattern"/>. The message is shown in
  3705. test results.
  3706. </param>
  3707. <param name="parameters">
  3708. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3709. </param>
  3710. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3711. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> does not match
  3712. <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3713. </exception>
  3714. </member>
  3715. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.DoesNotMatch(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex)">
  3716. <summary>
  3717. Tests whether the specified string does not match a regular expression
  3718. and throws an exception if the string matches the expression.
  3719. </summary>
  3720. <param name="value">
  3721. The string that is expected not to match <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3722. </param>
  3723. <param name="pattern">
  3724. The regular expression that <paramref name="value"/> is
  3725. expected to not match.
  3726. </param>
  3727. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3728. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> matches <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3729. </exception>
  3730. </member>
  3731. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.DoesNotMatch(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String)">
  3732. <summary>
  3733. Tests whether the specified string does not match a regular expression
  3734. and throws an exception if the string matches the expression.
  3735. </summary>
  3736. <param name="value">
  3737. The string that is expected not to match <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3738. </param>
  3739. <param name="pattern">
  3740. The regular expression that <paramref name="value"/> is
  3741. expected to not match.
  3742. </param>
  3743. <param name="message">
  3744. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3745. matches <paramref name="pattern"/>. The message is shown in test
  3746. results.
  3747. </param>
  3748. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3749. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> matches <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3750. </exception>
  3751. </member>
  3752. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.StringAssert.DoesNotMatch(System.String,System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3753. <summary>
  3754. Tests whether the specified string does not match a regular expression
  3755. and throws an exception if the string matches the expression.
  3756. </summary>
  3757. <param name="value">
  3758. The string that is expected not to match <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3759. </param>
  3760. <param name="pattern">
  3761. The regular expression that <paramref name="value"/> is
  3762. expected to not match.
  3763. </param>
  3764. <param name="message">
  3765. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="value"/>
  3766. matches <paramref name="pattern"/>. The message is shown in test
  3767. results.
  3768. </param>
  3769. <param name="parameters">
  3770. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3771. </param>
  3772. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3773. Thrown if <paramref name="value"/> matches <paramref name="pattern"/>.
  3774. </exception>
  3775. </member>
  3776. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert">
  3777. <summary>
  3778. A collection of helper classes to test various conditions associated
  3779. with collections within unit tests. If the condition being tested is not
  3780. met, an exception is thrown.
  3781. </summary>
  3782. </member>
  3783. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.That">
  3784. <summary>
  3785. Gets the singleton instance of the CollectionAssert functionality.
  3786. </summary>
  3787. <remarks>
  3788. Users can use this to plug-in custom assertions through C# extension methods.
  3789. For instance, the signature of a custom assertion provider could be "public static void AreEqualUnordered(this CollectionAssert customAssert, ICollection expected, ICollection actual)"
  3790. Users could then use a syntax similar to the default assertions which in this case is "CollectionAssert.That.AreEqualUnordered(list1, list2);"
  3791. More documentation is at "".
  3792. </remarks>
  3793. </member>
  3794. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.Contains(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Object)">
  3795. <summary>
  3796. Tests whether the specified collection contains the specified element
  3797. and throws an exception if the element is not in the collection.
  3798. </summary>
  3799. <param name="collection">
  3800. The collection in which to search for the element.
  3801. </param>
  3802. <param name="element">
  3803. The element that is expected to be in the collection.
  3804. </param>
  3805. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3806. Thrown if <paramref name="element"/> is not found in
  3807. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3808. </exception>
  3809. </member>
  3810. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.Contains(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Object,System.String)">
  3811. <summary>
  3812. Tests whether the specified collection contains the specified element
  3813. and throws an exception if the element is not in the collection.
  3814. </summary>
  3815. <param name="collection">
  3816. The collection in which to search for the element.
  3817. </param>
  3818. <param name="element">
  3819. The element that is expected to be in the collection.
  3820. </param>
  3821. <param name="message">
  3822. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="element"/>
  3823. is not in <paramref name="collection"/>. The message is shown in
  3824. test results.
  3825. </param>
  3826. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3827. Thrown if <paramref name="element"/> is not found in
  3828. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3829. </exception>
  3830. </member>
  3831. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.Contains(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3832. <summary>
  3833. Tests whether the specified collection contains the specified element
  3834. and throws an exception if the element is not in the collection.
  3835. </summary>
  3836. <param name="collection">
  3837. The collection in which to search for the element.
  3838. </param>
  3839. <param name="element">
  3840. The element that is expected to be in the collection.
  3841. </param>
  3842. <param name="message">
  3843. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="element"/>
  3844. is not in <paramref name="collection"/>. The message is shown in
  3845. test results.
  3846. </param>
  3847. <param name="parameters">
  3848. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3849. </param>
  3850. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3851. Thrown if <paramref name="element"/> is not found in
  3852. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3853. </exception>
  3854. </member>
  3855. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Object)">
  3856. <summary>
  3857. Tests whether the specified collection does not contain the specified
  3858. element and throws an exception if the element is in the collection.
  3859. </summary>
  3860. <param name="collection">
  3861. The collection in which to search for the element.
  3862. </param>
  3863. <param name="element">
  3864. The element that is expected not to be in the collection.
  3865. </param>
  3866. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3867. Thrown if <paramref name="element"/> is found in
  3868. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3869. </exception>
  3870. </member>
  3871. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Object,System.String)">
  3872. <summary>
  3873. Tests whether the specified collection does not contain the specified
  3874. element and throws an exception if the element is in the collection.
  3875. </summary>
  3876. <param name="collection">
  3877. The collection in which to search for the element.
  3878. </param>
  3879. <param name="element">
  3880. The element that is expected not to be in the collection.
  3881. </param>
  3882. <param name="message">
  3883. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="element"/>
  3884. is in <paramref name="collection"/>. The message is shown in test
  3885. results.
  3886. </param>
  3887. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3888. Thrown if <paramref name="element"/> is found in
  3889. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3890. </exception>
  3891. </member>
  3892. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.DoesNotContain(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Object,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3893. <summary>
  3894. Tests whether the specified collection does not contain the specified
  3895. element and throws an exception if the element is in the collection.
  3896. </summary>
  3897. <param name="collection">
  3898. The collection in which to search for the element.
  3899. </param>
  3900. <param name="element">
  3901. The element that is expected not to be in the collection.
  3902. </param>
  3903. <param name="message">
  3904. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="element"/>
  3905. is in <paramref name="collection"/>. The message is shown in test
  3906. results.
  3907. </param>
  3908. <param name="parameters">
  3909. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3910. </param>
  3911. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3912. Thrown if <paramref name="element"/> is found in
  3913. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3914. </exception>
  3915. </member>
  3916. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreNotNull(System.Collections.ICollection)">
  3917. <summary>
  3918. Tests whether all items in the specified collection are non-null and throws
  3919. an exception if any element is null.
  3920. </summary>
  3921. <param name="collection">
  3922. The collection in which to search for null elements.
  3923. </param>
  3924. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3925. Thrown if a null element is found in <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3926. </exception>
  3927. </member>
  3928. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreNotNull(System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  3929. <summary>
  3930. Tests whether all items in the specified collection are non-null and throws
  3931. an exception if any element is null.
  3932. </summary>
  3933. <param name="collection">
  3934. The collection in which to search for null elements.
  3935. </param>
  3936. <param name="message">
  3937. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="collection"/>
  3938. contains a null element. The message is shown in test results.
  3939. </param>
  3940. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3941. Thrown if a null element is found in <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3942. </exception>
  3943. </member>
  3944. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreNotNull(System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3945. <summary>
  3946. Tests whether all items in the specified collection are non-null and throws
  3947. an exception if any element is null.
  3948. </summary>
  3949. <param name="collection">
  3950. The collection in which to search for null elements.
  3951. </param>
  3952. <param name="message">
  3953. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="collection"/>
  3954. contains a null element. The message is shown in test results.
  3955. </param>
  3956. <param name="parameters">
  3957. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  3958. </param>
  3959. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3960. Thrown if a null element is found in <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3961. </exception>
  3962. </member>
  3963. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(System.Collections.ICollection)">
  3964. <summary>
  3965. Tests whether all items in the specified collection are unique or not and
  3966. throws if any two elements in the collection are equal.
  3967. </summary>
  3968. <param name="collection">
  3969. The collection in which to search for duplicate elements.
  3970. </param>
  3971. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3972. Thrown if a two or more equal elements are found in
  3973. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3974. </exception>
  3975. </member>
  3976. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  3977. <summary>
  3978. Tests whether all items in the specified collection are unique or not and
  3979. throws if any two elements in the collection are equal.
  3980. </summary>
  3981. <param name="collection">
  3982. The collection in which to search for duplicate elements.
  3983. </param>
  3984. <param name="message">
  3985. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="collection"/>
  3986. contains at least one duplicate element. The message is shown in
  3987. test results.
  3988. </param>
  3989. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  3990. Thrown if a two or more equal elements are found in
  3991. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  3992. </exception>
  3993. </member>
  3994. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  3995. <summary>
  3996. Tests whether all items in the specified collection are unique or not and
  3997. throws if any two elements in the collection are equal.
  3998. </summary>
  3999. <param name="collection">
  4000. The collection in which to search for duplicate elements.
  4001. </param>
  4002. <param name="message">
  4003. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="collection"/>
  4004. contains at least one duplicate element. The message is shown in
  4005. test results.
  4006. </param>
  4007. <param name="parameters">
  4008. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4009. </param>
  4010. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4011. Thrown if a two or more equal elements are found in
  4012. <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4013. </exception>
  4014. </member>
  4015. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4016. <summary>
  4017. Tests whether one collection is a subset of another collection and
  4018. throws an exception if any element in the subset is not also in the
  4019. superset.
  4020. </summary>
  4021. <param name="subset">
  4022. The collection expected to be a subset of <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4023. </param>
  4024. <param name="superset">
  4025. The collection expected to be a superset of <paramref name="subset"/>
  4026. </param>
  4027. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4028. Thrown if an element in <paramref name="subset"/> is not found in
  4029. <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4030. </exception>
  4031. </member>
  4032. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  4033. <summary>
  4034. Tests whether one collection is a subset of another collection and
  4035. throws an exception if any element in the subset is not also in the
  4036. superset.
  4037. </summary>
  4038. <param name="subset">
  4039. The collection expected to be a subset of <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4040. </param>
  4041. <param name="superset">
  4042. The collection expected to be a superset of <paramref name="subset"/>
  4043. </param>
  4044. <param name="message">
  4045. The message to include in the exception when an element in
  4046. <paramref name="subset"/> is not found in <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4047. The message is shown in test results.
  4048. </param>
  4049. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4050. Thrown if an element in <paramref name="subset"/> is not found in
  4051. <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4052. </exception>
  4053. </member>
  4054. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOf(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4055. <summary>
  4056. Tests whether one collection is a subset of another collection and
  4057. throws an exception if any element in the subset is not also in the
  4058. superset.
  4059. </summary>
  4060. <param name="subset">
  4061. The collection expected to be a subset of <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4062. </param>
  4063. <param name="superset">
  4064. The collection expected to be a superset of <paramref name="subset"/>
  4065. </param>
  4066. <param name="message">
  4067. The message to include in the exception when an element in
  4068. <paramref name="subset"/> is not found in <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4069. The message is shown in test results.
  4070. </param>
  4071. <param name="parameters">
  4072. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4073. </param>
  4074. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4075. Thrown if an element in <paramref name="subset"/> is not found in
  4076. <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4077. </exception>
  4078. </member>
  4079. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsNotSubsetOf(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4080. <summary>
  4081. Tests whether one collection is not a subset of another collection and
  4082. throws an exception if all elements in the subset are also in the
  4083. superset.
  4084. </summary>
  4085. <param name="subset">
  4086. The collection expected not to be a subset of <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4087. </param>
  4088. <param name="superset">
  4089. The collection expected not to be a superset of <paramref name="subset"/>
  4090. </param>
  4091. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4092. Thrown if every element in <paramref name="subset"/> is also found in
  4093. <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4094. </exception>
  4095. </member>
  4096. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsNotSubsetOf(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  4097. <summary>
  4098. Tests whether one collection is not a subset of another collection and
  4099. throws an exception if all elements in the subset are also in the
  4100. superset.
  4101. </summary>
  4102. <param name="subset">
  4103. The collection expected not to be a subset of <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4104. </param>
  4105. <param name="superset">
  4106. The collection expected not to be a superset of <paramref name="subset"/>
  4107. </param>
  4108. <param name="message">
  4109. The message to include in the exception when every element in
  4110. <paramref name="subset"/> is also found in <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4111. The message is shown in test results.
  4112. </param>
  4113. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4114. Thrown if every element in <paramref name="subset"/> is also found in
  4115. <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4116. </exception>
  4117. </member>
  4118. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsNotSubsetOf(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4119. <summary>
  4120. Tests whether one collection is not a subset of another collection and
  4121. throws an exception if all elements in the subset are also in the
  4122. superset.
  4123. </summary>
  4124. <param name="subset">
  4125. The collection expected not to be a subset of <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4126. </param>
  4127. <param name="superset">
  4128. The collection expected not to be a superset of <paramref name="subset"/>
  4129. </param>
  4130. <param name="message">
  4131. The message to include in the exception when every element in
  4132. <paramref name="subset"/> is also found in <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4133. The message is shown in test results.
  4134. </param>
  4135. <param name="parameters">
  4136. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4137. </param>
  4138. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4139. Thrown if every element in <paramref name="subset"/> is also found in
  4140. <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4141. </exception>
  4142. </member>
  4143. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4144. <summary>
  4145. Tests whether two collections contain the same elements and throws an
  4146. exception if either collection contains an element not in the other
  4147. collection.
  4148. </summary>
  4149. <param name="expected">
  4150. The first collection to compare. This contains the elements the test
  4151. expects.
  4152. </param>
  4153. <param name="actual">
  4154. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by
  4155. the code under test.
  4156. </param>
  4157. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4158. Thrown if an element was found in one of the collections but not
  4159. the other.
  4160. </exception>
  4161. </member>
  4162. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  4163. <summary>
  4164. Tests whether two collections contain the same elements and throws an
  4165. exception if either collection contains an element not in the other
  4166. collection.
  4167. </summary>
  4168. <param name="expected">
  4169. The first collection to compare. This contains the elements the test
  4170. expects.
  4171. </param>
  4172. <param name="actual">
  4173. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by
  4174. the code under test.
  4175. </param>
  4176. <param name="message">
  4177. The message to include in the exception when an element was found
  4178. in one of the collections but not the other. The message is shown
  4179. in test results.
  4180. </param>
  4181. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4182. Thrown if an element was found in one of the collections but not
  4183. the other.
  4184. </exception>
  4185. </member>
  4186. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4187. <summary>
  4188. Tests whether two collections contain the same elements and throws an
  4189. exception if either collection contains an element not in the other
  4190. collection.
  4191. </summary>
  4192. <param name="expected">
  4193. The first collection to compare. This contains the elements the test
  4194. expects.
  4195. </param>
  4196. <param name="actual">
  4197. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by
  4198. the code under test.
  4199. </param>
  4200. <param name="message">
  4201. The message to include in the exception when an element was found
  4202. in one of the collections but not the other. The message is shown
  4203. in test results.
  4204. </param>
  4205. <param name="parameters">
  4206. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4207. </param>
  4208. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4209. Thrown if an element was found in one of the collections but not
  4210. the other.
  4211. </exception>
  4212. </member>
  4213. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4214. <summary>
  4215. Tests whether two collections contain the different elements and throws an
  4216. exception if the two collections contain identical elements without regard
  4217. to order.
  4218. </summary>
  4219. <param name="expected">
  4220. The first collection to compare. This contains the elements the test
  4221. expects to be different than the actual collection.
  4222. </param>
  4223. <param name="actual">
  4224. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by
  4225. the code under test.
  4226. </param>
  4227. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4228. Thrown if the two collections contained the same elements, including
  4229. the same number of duplicate occurrences of each element.
  4230. </exception>
  4231. </member>
  4232. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  4233. <summary>
  4234. Tests whether two collections contain the different elements and throws an
  4235. exception if the two collections contain identical elements without regard
  4236. to order.
  4237. </summary>
  4238. <param name="expected">
  4239. The first collection to compare. This contains the elements the test
  4240. expects to be different than the actual collection.
  4241. </param>
  4242. <param name="actual">
  4243. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by
  4244. the code under test.
  4245. </param>
  4246. <param name="message">
  4247. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4248. contains the same elements as <paramref name="expected"/>. The message
  4249. is shown in test results.
  4250. </param>
  4251. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4252. Thrown if the two collections contained the same elements, including
  4253. the same number of duplicate occurrences of each element.
  4254. </exception>
  4255. </member>
  4256. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEquivalent(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4257. <summary>
  4258. Tests whether two collections contain the different elements and throws an
  4259. exception if the two collections contain identical elements without regard
  4260. to order.
  4261. </summary>
  4262. <param name="expected">
  4263. The first collection to compare. This contains the elements the test
  4264. expects to be different than the actual collection.
  4265. </param>
  4266. <param name="actual">
  4267. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by
  4268. the code under test.
  4269. </param>
  4270. <param name="message">
  4271. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4272. contains the same elements as <paramref name="expected"/>. The message
  4273. is shown in test results.
  4274. </param>
  4275. <param name="parameters">
  4276. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4277. </param>
  4278. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4279. Thrown if the two collections contained the same elements, including
  4280. the same number of duplicate occurrences of each element.
  4281. </exception>
  4282. </member>
  4283. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Type)">
  4284. <summary>
  4285. Tests whether all elements in the specified collection are instances
  4286. of the expected type and throws an exception if the expected type is
  4287. not in the inheritance hierarchy of one or more of the elements.
  4288. </summary>
  4289. <param name="collection">
  4290. The collection containing elements the test expects to be of the
  4291. specified type.
  4292. </param>
  4293. <param name="expectedType">
  4294. The expected type of each element of <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4295. </param>
  4296. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4297. Thrown if an element in <paramref name="collection"/> is null or
  4298. <paramref name="expectedType"/> is not in the inheritance hierarchy
  4299. of an element in <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4300. </exception>
  4301. </member>
  4302. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Type,System.String)">
  4303. <summary>
  4304. Tests whether all elements in the specified collection are instances
  4305. of the expected type and throws an exception if the expected type is
  4306. not in the inheritance hierarchy of one or more of the elements.
  4307. </summary>
  4308. <param name="collection">
  4309. The collection containing elements the test expects to be of the
  4310. specified type.
  4311. </param>
  4312. <param name="expectedType">
  4313. The expected type of each element of <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4314. </param>
  4315. <param name="message">
  4316. The message to include in the exception when an element in
  4317. <paramref name="collection"/> is not an instance of
  4318. <paramref name="expectedType"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  4319. </param>
  4320. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4321. Thrown if an element in <paramref name="collection"/> is null or
  4322. <paramref name="expectedType"/> is not in the inheritance hierarchy
  4323. of an element in <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4324. </exception>
  4325. </member>
  4326. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Type,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4327. <summary>
  4328. Tests whether all elements in the specified collection are instances
  4329. of the expected type and throws an exception if the expected type is
  4330. not in the inheritance hierarchy of one or more of the elements.
  4331. </summary>
  4332. <param name="collection">
  4333. The collection containing elements the test expects to be of the
  4334. specified type.
  4335. </param>
  4336. <param name="expectedType">
  4337. The expected type of each element of <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4338. </param>
  4339. <param name="message">
  4340. The message to include in the exception when an element in
  4341. <paramref name="collection"/> is not an instance of
  4342. <paramref name="expectedType"/>. The message is shown in test results.
  4343. </param>
  4344. <param name="parameters">
  4345. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4346. </param>
  4347. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4348. Thrown if an element in <paramref name="collection"/> is null or
  4349. <paramref name="expectedType"/> is not in the inheritance hierarchy
  4350. of an element in <paramref name="collection"/>.
  4351. </exception>
  4352. </member>
  4353. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4354. <summary>
  4355. Tests whether the specified collections are equal and throws an exception
  4356. if the two collections are not equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4357. elements in the same order and quantity. Whether two elements are the same
  4358. is checked using <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)" /> method.
  4359. Different references to the same value are considered equal.
  4360. </summary>
  4361. <param name="expected">
  4362. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects.
  4363. </param>
  4364. <param name="actual">
  4365. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4366. code under test.
  4367. </param>
  4368. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4369. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  4370. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4371. </exception>
  4372. </member>
  4373. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  4374. <summary>
  4375. Tests whether the specified collections are equal and throws an exception
  4376. if the two collections are not equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4377. elements in the same order and quantity. Whether two elements are the same
  4378. is checked using <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)" /> method.
  4379. Different references to the same value are considered equal.
  4380. </summary>
  4381. <param name="expected">
  4382. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects.
  4383. </param>
  4384. <param name="actual">
  4385. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4386. code under test.
  4387. </param>
  4388. <param name="message">
  4389. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4390. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  4391. test results.
  4392. </param>
  4393. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4394. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  4395. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4396. </exception>
  4397. </member>
  4398. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4399. <summary>
  4400. Tests whether the specified collections are equal and throws an exception
  4401. if the two collections are not equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4402. elements in the same order and quantity. Whether two elements are the same
  4403. is checked using <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)" /> method.
  4404. Different references to the same value are considered equal.
  4405. </summary>
  4406. <param name="expected">
  4407. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects.
  4408. </param>
  4409. <param name="actual">
  4410. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4411. code under test.
  4412. </param>
  4413. <param name="message">
  4414. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4415. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  4416. test results.
  4417. </param>
  4418. <param name="parameters">
  4419. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4420. </param>
  4421. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4422. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  4423. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4424. </exception>
  4425. </member>
  4426. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4427. <summary>
  4428. Tests whether the specified collections are unequal and throws an exception
  4429. if the two collections are equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4430. elements in the same order and quantity. Whether two elements are the same
  4431. is checked using <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)" /> method.
  4432. Different references to the same value are considered equal.
  4433. </summary>
  4434. <param name="notExpected">
  4435. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects
  4436. not to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4437. </param>
  4438. <param name="actual">
  4439. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4440. code under test.
  4441. </param>
  4442. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4443. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4444. </exception>
  4445. </member>
  4446. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String)">
  4447. <summary>
  4448. Tests whether the specified collections are unequal and throws an exception
  4449. if the two collections are equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4450. elements in the same order and quantity. Whether two elements are the same
  4451. is checked using <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)" /> method.
  4452. Different references to the same value are considered equal.
  4453. </summary>
  4454. <param name="notExpected">
  4455. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects
  4456. not to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4457. </param>
  4458. <param name="actual">
  4459. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4460. code under test.
  4461. </param>
  4462. <param name="message">
  4463. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4464. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  4465. test results.
  4466. </param>
  4467. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4468. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4469. </exception>
  4470. </member>
  4471. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4472. <summary>
  4473. Tests whether the specified collections are unequal and throws an exception
  4474. if the two collections are equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4475. elements in the same order and quantity. Whether two elements are the same
  4476. is checked using <see cref="M:System.Object.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)" /> method.
  4477. Different references to the same value are considered equal.
  4478. </summary>
  4479. <param name="notExpected">
  4480. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects
  4481. not to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4482. </param>
  4483. <param name="actual">
  4484. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4485. code under test.
  4486. </param>
  4487. <param name="message">
  4488. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4489. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  4490. test results.
  4491. </param>
  4492. <param name="parameters">
  4493. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4494. </param>
  4495. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4496. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4497. </exception>
  4498. </member>
  4499. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.IComparer)">
  4500. <summary>
  4501. Tests whether the specified collections are equal and throws an exception
  4502. if the two collections are not equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4503. elements in the same order and quantity. Different references to the same
  4504. value are considered equal.
  4505. </summary>
  4506. <param name="expected">
  4507. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects.
  4508. </param>
  4509. <param name="actual">
  4510. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4511. code under test.
  4512. </param>
  4513. <param name="comparer">
  4514. The compare implementation to use when comparing elements of the collection.
  4515. </param>
  4516. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4517. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  4518. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4519. </exception>
  4520. </member>
  4521. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.IComparer,System.String)">
  4522. <summary>
  4523. Tests whether the specified collections are equal and throws an exception
  4524. if the two collections are not equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4525. elements in the same order and quantity. Different references to the same
  4526. value are considered equal.
  4527. </summary>
  4528. <param name="expected">
  4529. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects.
  4530. </param>
  4531. <param name="actual">
  4532. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4533. code under test.
  4534. </param>
  4535. <param name="comparer">
  4536. The compare implementation to use when comparing elements of the collection.
  4537. </param>
  4538. <param name="message">
  4539. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4540. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  4541. test results.
  4542. </param>
  4543. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4544. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  4545. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4546. </exception>
  4547. </member>
  4548. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.IComparer,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4549. <summary>
  4550. Tests whether the specified collections are equal and throws an exception
  4551. if the two collections are not equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4552. elements in the same order and quantity. Different references to the same
  4553. value are considered equal.
  4554. </summary>
  4555. <param name="expected">
  4556. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects.
  4557. </param>
  4558. <param name="actual">
  4559. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4560. code under test.
  4561. </param>
  4562. <param name="comparer">
  4563. The compare implementation to use when comparing elements of the collection.
  4564. </param>
  4565. <param name="message">
  4566. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4567. is not equal to <paramref name="expected"/>. The message is shown in
  4568. test results.
  4569. </param>
  4570. <param name="parameters">
  4571. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4572. </param>
  4573. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4574. Thrown if <paramref name="expected"/> is not equal to
  4575. <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4576. </exception>
  4577. </member>
  4578. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.IComparer)">
  4579. <summary>
  4580. Tests whether the specified collections are unequal and throws an exception
  4581. if the two collections are equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4582. elements in the same order and quantity. Different references to the same
  4583. value are considered equal.
  4584. </summary>
  4585. <param name="notExpected">
  4586. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects
  4587. not to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4588. </param>
  4589. <param name="actual">
  4590. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4591. code under test.
  4592. </param>
  4593. <param name="comparer">
  4594. The compare implementation to use when comparing elements of the collection.
  4595. </param>
  4596. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4597. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4598. </exception>
  4599. </member>
  4600. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.IComparer,System.String)">
  4601. <summary>
  4602. Tests whether the specified collections are unequal and throws an exception
  4603. if the two collections are equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4604. elements in the same order and quantity. Different references to the same
  4605. value are considered equal.
  4606. </summary>
  4607. <param name="notExpected">
  4608. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects
  4609. not to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4610. </param>
  4611. <param name="actual">
  4612. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4613. code under test.
  4614. </param>
  4615. <param name="comparer">
  4616. The compare implementation to use when comparing elements of the collection.
  4617. </param>
  4618. <param name="message">
  4619. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4620. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  4621. test results.
  4622. </param>
  4623. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4624. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4625. </exception>
  4626. </member>
  4627. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.IComparer,System.String,System.Object[])">
  4628. <summary>
  4629. Tests whether the specified collections are unequal and throws an exception
  4630. if the two collections are equal. Equality is defined as having the same
  4631. elements in the same order and quantity. Different references to the same
  4632. value are considered equal.
  4633. </summary>
  4634. <param name="notExpected">
  4635. The first collection to compare. This is the collection the tests expects
  4636. not to match <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4637. </param>
  4638. <param name="actual">
  4639. The second collection to compare. This is the collection produced by the
  4640. code under test.
  4641. </param>
  4642. <param name="comparer">
  4643. The compare implementation to use when comparing elements of the collection.
  4644. </param>
  4645. <param name="message">
  4646. The message to include in the exception when <paramref name="actual"/>
  4647. is equal to <paramref name="notExpected"/>. The message is shown in
  4648. test results.
  4649. </param>
  4650. <param name="parameters">
  4651. An array of parameters to use when formatting <paramref name="message"/>.
  4652. </param>
  4653. <exception cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.AssertFailedException">
  4654. Thrown if <paramref name="notExpected"/> is equal to <paramref name="actual"/>.
  4655. </exception>
  4656. </member>
  4657. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.IsSubsetOfHelper(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection)">
  4658. <summary>
  4659. Determines whether the first collection is a subset of the second
  4660. collection. If either set contains duplicate elements, the number
  4661. of occurrences of the element in the subset must be less than or
  4662. equal to the number of occurrences in the superset.
  4663. </summary>
  4664. <param name="subset">
  4665. The collection the test expects to be contained in <paramref name="superset"/>.
  4666. </param>
  4667. <param name="superset">
  4668. The collection the test expects to contain <paramref name="subset"/>.
  4669. </param>
  4670. <returns>
  4671. True if <paramref name="subset"/> is a subset of
  4672. <paramref name="superset"/>, false otherwise.
  4673. </returns>
  4674. </member>
  4675. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.GetElementCounts(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Int32@)">
  4676. <summary>
  4677. Constructs a dictionary containing the number of occurrences of each
  4678. element in the specified collection.
  4679. </summary>
  4680. <param name="collection">
  4681. The collection to process.
  4682. </param>
  4683. <param name="nullCount">
  4684. The number of null elements in the collection.
  4685. </param>
  4686. <returns>
  4687. A dictionary containing the number of occurrences of each element
  4688. in the specified collection.
  4689. </returns>
  4690. </member>
  4691. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.FindMismatchedElement(System.Collections.ICollection,System.Collections.ICollection,System.Int32@,System.Int32@,System.Object@)">
  4692. <summary>
  4693. Finds a mismatched element between the two collections. A mismatched
  4694. element is one that appears a different number of times in the
  4695. expected collection than it does in the actual collection. The
  4696. collections are assumed to be different non-null references with the
  4697. same number of elements. The caller is responsible for this level of
  4698. verification. If there is no mismatched element, the function returns
  4699. false and the out parameters should not be used.
  4700. </summary>
  4701. <param name="expected">
  4702. The first collection to compare.
  4703. </param>
  4704. <param name="actual">
  4705. The second collection to compare.
  4706. </param>
  4707. <param name="expectedCount">
  4708. The expected number of occurrences of
  4709. <paramref name="mismatchedElement"/> or 0 if there is no mismatched
  4710. element.
  4711. </param>
  4712. <param name="actualCount">
  4713. The actual number of occurrences of
  4714. <paramref name="mismatchedElement"/> or 0 if there is no mismatched
  4715. element.
  4716. </param>
  4717. <param name="mismatchedElement">
  4718. The mismatched element (may be null) or null if there is no
  4719. mismatched element.
  4720. </param>
  4721. <returns>
  4722. true if a mismatched element was found; false otherwise.
  4723. </returns>
  4724. </member>
  4725. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.CollectionAssert.ObjectComparer">
  4726. <summary>
  4727. compares the objects using object.Equals
  4728. </summary>
  4729. </member>
  4730. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException">
  4731. <summary>
  4732. Base class for Framework Exceptions.
  4733. </summary>
  4734. </member>
  4735. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException.#ctor">
  4736. <summary>
  4737. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException"/> class.
  4738. </summary>
  4739. </member>
  4740. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
  4741. <summary>
  4742. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException"/> class.
  4743. </summary>
  4744. <param name="msg"> The message. </param>
  4745. <param name="ex"> The exception. </param>
  4746. </member>
  4747. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException.#ctor(System.String)">
  4748. <summary>
  4749. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestAssertException"/> class.
  4750. </summary>
  4751. <param name="msg"> The message. </param>
  4752. </member>
  4753. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages">
  4754. <summary>
  4755. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
  4756. </summary>
  4757. </member>
  4758. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ResourceManager">
  4759. <summary>
  4760. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
  4761. </summary>
  4762. </member>
  4763. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.Culture">
  4764. <summary>
  4765. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
  4766. resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
  4767. </summary>
  4768. </member>
  4769. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AccessStringInvalidSyntax">
  4770. <summary>
  4771. Looks up a localized string similar to Access string has invalid syntax..
  4772. </summary>
  4773. </member>
  4774. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ActualHasMismatchedElements">
  4775. <summary>
  4776. Looks up a localized string similar to The expected collection contains {1} occurrence(s) of &lt;{2}&gt;. The actual collection contains {3} occurrence(s). {0}.
  4777. </summary>
  4778. </member>
  4779. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AllItemsAreUniqueFailMsg">
  4780. <summary>
  4781. Looks up a localized string similar to Duplicate item found:&lt;{1}&gt;. {0}.
  4782. </summary>
  4783. </member>
  4784. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreEqualCaseFailMsg">
  4785. <summary>
  4786. Looks up a localized string similar to Expected:&lt;{1}&gt;. Case is different for actual value:&lt;{2}&gt;. {0}.
  4787. </summary>
  4788. </member>
  4789. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreEqualDeltaFailMsg">
  4790. <summary>
  4791. Looks up a localized string similar to Expected a difference no greater than &lt;{3}&gt; between expected value &lt;{1}&gt; and actual value &lt;{2}&gt;. {0}.
  4792. </summary>
  4793. </member>
  4794. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreEqualDifferentTypesFailMsg">
  4795. <summary>
  4796. Looks up a localized string similar to Expected:&lt;{1} ({2})&gt;. Actual:&lt;{3} ({4})&gt;. {0}.
  4797. </summary>
  4798. </member>
  4799. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreEqualFailMsg">
  4800. <summary>
  4801. Looks up a localized string similar to Expected:&lt;{1}&gt;. Actual:&lt;{2}&gt;. {0}.
  4802. </summary>
  4803. </member>
  4804. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreNotEqualDeltaFailMsg">
  4805. <summary>
  4806. Looks up a localized string similar to Expected a difference greater than &lt;{3}&gt; between expected value &lt;{1}&gt; and actual value &lt;{2}&gt;. {0}.
  4807. </summary>
  4808. </member>
  4809. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreNotEqualFailMsg">
  4810. <summary>
  4811. Looks up a localized string similar to Expected any value except:&lt;{1}&gt;. Actual:&lt;{2}&gt;. {0}.
  4812. </summary>
  4813. </member>
  4814. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AreSameGivenValues">
  4815. <summary>
  4816. Looks up a localized string similar to Do not pass value types to AreSame(). Values converted to Object will never be the same. Consider using AreEqual(). {0}.
  4817. </summary>
  4818. </member>
  4819. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ArgumentXMustDeriveFromClassY">
  4820. <summary>
  4821. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} must derive from {1}!.
  4822. </summary>
  4823. </member>
  4824. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AssertionFailed">
  4825. <summary>
  4826. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} failed. {1}.
  4827. </summary>
  4828. </member>
  4829. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AsyncUITestMethodNotSupported">
  4830. <summary>
  4831. Looks up a localized string similar to async TestMethod with UITestMethodAttribute are not supported. Either remove async or use TestMethodAttribute..
  4832. </summary>
  4833. </member>
  4834. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.AsyncUITestMethodWithNoDispatcherQueue">
  4835. <summary>
  4836. Looks up a localized string similar to UITestMethodAttribute.DispatcherQueue should not be null. To use UITestMethodAttribute within a WinUI Desktop App, remember to set the static UITestMethodAttribute.DispatcherQueue during the test initialization..
  4837. </summary>
  4838. </member>
  4839. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.BothCollectionsEmpty">
  4840. <summary>
  4841. Looks up a localized string similar to Both collections are empty. {0}.
  4842. </summary>
  4843. </member>
  4844. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.BothCollectionsSameElements">
  4845. <summary>
  4846. Looks up a localized string similar to Both collection contain same elements..
  4847. </summary>
  4848. </member>
  4849. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.BothCollectionsSameReference">
  4850. <summary>
  4851. Looks up a localized string similar to Both collection references point to the same collection object. {0}.
  4852. </summary>
  4853. </member>
  4854. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.BothSameElements">
  4855. <summary>
  4856. Looks up a localized string similar to Both collections contain the same elements. {0}.
  4857. </summary>
  4858. </member>
  4859. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.CollectionEqualReason">
  4860. <summary>
  4861. Looks up a localized string similar to {0}({1}).
  4862. </summary>
  4863. </member>
  4864. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.Common_NullInMessages">
  4865. <summary>
  4866. Looks up a localized string similar to (null).
  4867. </summary>
  4868. </member>
  4869. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.Common_ObjectString">
  4870. <summary>
  4871. Looks up a localized string similar to (object).
  4872. </summary>
  4873. </member>
  4874. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ContainsFail">
  4875. <summary>
  4876. Looks up a localized string similar to String &apos;{0}&apos; does not contain string &apos;{1}&apos;. {2}..
  4877. </summary>
  4878. </member>
  4879. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.DataDrivenResultDisplayName">
  4880. <summary>
  4881. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} ({1}).
  4882. </summary>
  4883. </member>
  4884. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.DoNotUseAssertEquals">
  4885. <summary>
  4886. Looks up a localized string similar to Assert.Equals should not be used for Assertions. Please use Assert.AreEqual &amp; overloads instead..
  4887. </summary>
  4888. </member>
  4889. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.DynamicDataDisplayName">
  4890. <summary>
  4891. Looks up a localized string similar to Method {0} must match the expected signature: public static {1} {0}({2})..
  4892. </summary>
  4893. </member>
  4894. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.DynamicDataIEnumerableEmpty">
  4895. <summary>
  4896. Looks up a localized string similar to Property or method {0} on {1} returns empty IEnumerable&lt;object[]&gt;..
  4897. </summary>
  4898. </member>
  4899. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.DynamicDataIEnumerableNull">
  4900. <summary>
  4901. Looks up a localized string similar to Property or method {0} on {1} does not return IEnumerable&lt;object[]&gt;..
  4902. </summary>
  4903. </member>
  4904. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.DynamicDataValueNull">
  4905. <summary>
  4906. Looks up a localized string similar to Value returned by property or method {0} shouldn&apos;t be null..
  4907. </summary>
  4908. </member>
  4909. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ElementNumbersDontMatch">
  4910. <summary>
  4911. Looks up a localized string similar to The number of elements in the collections do not match. Expected:&lt;{1}&gt;. Actual:&lt;{2}&gt;.{0}.
  4912. </summary>
  4913. </member>
  4914. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ElementsAtIndexDontMatch">
  4915. <summary>
  4916. Looks up a localized string similar to Element at index {0} do not match..
  4917. </summary>
  4918. </member>
  4919. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ElementTypesAtIndexDontMatch">
  4920. <summary>
  4921. Looks up a localized string similar to Element at index {1} is not of expected type. Expected type:&lt;{2}&gt;. Actual type:&lt;{3}&gt;.{0}.
  4922. </summary>
  4923. </member>
  4924. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ElementTypesAtIndexDontMatch2">
  4925. <summary>
  4926. Looks up a localized string similar to Element at index {1} is (null). Expected type:&lt;{2}&gt;.{0}.
  4927. </summary>
  4928. </member>
  4929. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.EndsWithFail">
  4930. <summary>
  4931. Looks up a localized string similar to String &apos;{0}&apos; does not end with string &apos;{1}&apos;. {2}..
  4932. </summary>
  4933. </member>
  4934. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.EqualsTesterInvalidArgs">
  4935. <summary>
  4936. Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid argument- EqualsTester can&apos;t use nulls..
  4937. </summary>
  4938. </member>
  4939. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.ErrorInvalidCast">
  4940. <summary>
  4941. Looks up a localized string similar to Cannot convert object of type {0} to {1}..
  4942. </summary>
  4943. </member>
  4944. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.InternalObjectNotValid">
  4945. <summary>
  4946. Looks up a localized string similar to The internal object referenced is no longer valid..
  4947. </summary>
  4948. </member>
  4949. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.InvalidParameterToAssert">
  4950. <summary>
  4951. Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter &apos;{0}&apos; is invalid. {1}..
  4952. </summary>
  4953. </member>
  4954. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.InvalidPropertyType">
  4955. <summary>
  4956. Looks up a localized string similar to The property {0} has type {1}; expected type {2}..
  4957. </summary>
  4958. </member>
  4959. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.IsInstanceOfFailMsg">
  4960. <summary>
  4961. Looks up a localized string similar to {0} Expected type:&lt;{1}&gt;. Actual type:&lt;{2}&gt;..
  4962. </summary>
  4963. </member>
  4964. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.IsMatchFail">
  4965. <summary>
  4966. Looks up a localized string similar to String &apos;{0}&apos; does not match pattern &apos;{1}&apos;. {2}..
  4967. </summary>
  4968. </member>
  4969. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.IsNotInstanceOfFailMsg">
  4970. <summary>
  4971. Looks up a localized string similar to Wrong Type:&lt;{1}&gt;. Actual type:&lt;{2}&gt;. {0}.
  4972. </summary>
  4973. </member>
  4974. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.IsNotMatchFail">
  4975. <summary>
  4976. Looks up a localized string similar to String &apos;{0}&apos; matches pattern &apos;{1}&apos;. {2}..
  4977. </summary>
  4978. </member>
  4979. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.NoDataRow">
  4980. <summary>
  4981. Looks up a localized string similar to No test data source specified. Atleast one TestDataSource is required with DataTestMethodAttribute..
  4982. </summary>
  4983. </member>
  4984. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.NoExceptionThrown">
  4985. <summary>
  4986. Looks up a localized string similar to No exception thrown. {1} exception was expected. {0}.
  4987. </summary>
  4988. </member>
  4989. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.NullParameterToAssert">
  4990. <summary>
  4991. Looks up a localized string similar to The parameter &apos;{0}&apos; is invalid. The value cannot be null. {1}..
  4992. </summary>
  4993. </member>
  4994. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.NumberOfElementsDiff">
  4995. <summary>
  4996. Looks up a localized string similar to Different number of elements..
  4997. </summary>
  4998. </member>
  4999. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.PrivateAccessorConstructorNotFound">
  5000. <summary>
  5001. Looks up a localized string similar to
  5002. The constructor with the specified signature could not be found. You might need to regenerate your private accessor,
  5003. or the member may be private and defined on a base class. If the latter is true, you need to pass the type
  5004. that defines the member into PrivateObject&apos;s constructor.
  5005. .
  5006. </summary>
  5007. </member>
  5008. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.PrivateAccessorMemberNotFound">
  5009. <summary>
  5010. Looks up a localized string similar to
  5011. The member specified ({0}) could not be found. You might need to regenerate your private accessor,
  5012. or the member may be private and defined on a base class. If the latter is true, you need to pass the type
  5013. that defines the member into PrivateObject&apos;s constructor.
  5014. .
  5015. </summary>
  5016. </member>
  5017. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.StartsWithFail">
  5018. <summary>
  5019. Looks up a localized string similar to String &apos;{0}&apos; does not start with string &apos;{1}&apos;. {2}..
  5020. </summary>
  5021. </member>
  5022. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.UTF_ExpectedExceptionTypeMustDeriveFromException">
  5023. <summary>
  5024. Looks up a localized string similar to The expected exception type must be System.Exception or a type derived from System.Exception..
  5025. </summary>
  5026. </member>
  5027. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.UTF_FailedToGetExceptionMessage">
  5028. <summary>
  5029. Looks up a localized string similar to (Failed to get the message for an exception of type {0} due to an exception.).
  5030. </summary>
  5031. </member>
  5032. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.UTF_TestMethodNoException">
  5033. <summary>
  5034. Looks up a localized string similar to Test method did not throw expected exception {0}. {1}.
  5035. </summary>
  5036. </member>
  5037. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.UTF_TestMethodNoExceptionDefault">
  5038. <summary>
  5039. Looks up a localized string similar to Test method did not throw an exception. An exception was expected by attribute {0} defined on the test method..
  5040. </summary>
  5041. </member>
  5042. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.UTF_TestMethodWrongException">
  5043. <summary>
  5044. Looks up a localized string similar to Test method threw exception {0}, but exception {1} was expected. Exception message: {2}.
  5045. </summary>
  5046. </member>
  5047. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.UTF_TestMethodWrongExceptionDerivedAllowed">
  5048. <summary>
  5049. Looks up a localized string similar to Test method threw exception {0}, but exception {1} or a type derived from it was expected. Exception message: {2}.
  5050. </summary>
  5051. </member>
  5052. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.FrameworkMessages.WrongExceptionThrown">
  5053. <summary>
  5054. Looks up a localized string similar to Threw exception {2}, but exception {1} was expected. {0}
  5055. Exception Message: {3}
  5056. Stack Trace: {4}.
  5057. </summary>
  5058. </member>
  5059. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome">
  5060. <summary>
  5061. unit test outcomes
  5062. </summary>
  5063. </member>
  5064. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Failed">
  5065. <summary>
  5066. Test was executed, but there were issues.
  5067. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
  5068. </summary>
  5069. </member>
  5070. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Inconclusive">
  5071. <summary>
  5072. Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed.
  5073. May be used for aborted tests.
  5074. </summary>
  5075. </member>
  5076. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Passed">
  5077. <summary>
  5078. Test was executed without any issues.
  5079. </summary>
  5080. </member>
  5081. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.InProgress">
  5082. <summary>
  5083. Test is currently executing.
  5084. </summary>
  5085. </member>
  5086. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Error">
  5087. <summary>
  5088. There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
  5089. </summary>
  5090. </member>
  5091. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Timeout">
  5092. <summary>
  5093. The test timed out.
  5094. </summary>
  5095. </member>
  5096. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Aborted">
  5097. <summary>
  5098. Test was aborted by the user.
  5099. </summary>
  5100. </member>
  5101. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.Unknown">
  5102. <summary>
  5103. Test is in an unknown state
  5104. </summary>
  5105. </member>
  5106. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UnitTestOutcome.NotRunnable">
  5107. <summary>
  5108. Test cannot be executed.
  5109. </summary>
  5110. </member>
  5111. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UtfHelper">
  5112. <summary>
  5113. Provides helper functionality for the unit test framework
  5114. </summary>
  5115. </member>
  5116. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.UtfHelper.GetExceptionMsg(System.Exception)">
  5117. <summary>
  5118. Gets the exception messages, including the messages for all inner exceptions
  5119. recursively
  5120. </summary>
  5121. <param name="ex">Exception to get messages for</param>
  5122. <returns>string with error message information</returns>
  5123. </member>
  5124. <member name="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute">
  5125. <summary>
  5126. Specifies connection string, table name and row access method for data driven testing.
  5127. </summary>
  5128. <example>
  5129. [DataSource("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=source;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=EqtCoverage;Persist Security Info=False", "MyTable")]
  5130. [DataSource("dataSourceNameFromConfigFile")]
  5131. </example>
  5132. </member>
  5133. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.DefaultProviderName">
  5134. <summary>
  5135. The default provider name for DataSource.
  5136. </summary>
  5137. </member>
  5138. <member name="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.DefaultDataAccessMethod">
  5139. <summary>
  5140. The default data access method.
  5141. </summary>
  5142. </member>
  5143. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataAccessMethod)">
  5144. <summary>
  5145. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute"/> class. This instance will be initialized with a data provider, connection string, data table and data access method to access the data source.
  5146. </summary>
  5147. <param name="providerInvariantName">Invariant data provider name, such as System.Data.SqlClient</param>
  5148. <param name="connectionString">
  5149. Data provider specific connection string.
  5150. WARNING: The connection string can contain sensitive data (for example, a password).
  5151. The connection string is stored in plain text in source code and in the compiled assembly.
  5152. Restrict access to the source code and assembly to protect this sensitive information.
  5153. </param>
  5154. <param name="tableName">The name of the data table.</param>
  5155. <param name="dataAccessMethod">Specifies the order to access data.</param>
  5156. </member>
  5157. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
  5158. <summary>
  5159. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute"/> class.This instance will be initialized with a connection string and table name.
  5160. Specify connection string and data table to access OLEDB data source.
  5161. </summary>
  5162. <param name="connectionString">
  5163. Data provider specific connection string.
  5164. WARNING: The connection string can contain sensitive data (for example, a password).
  5165. The connection string is stored in plain text in source code and in the compiled assembly.
  5166. Restrict access to the source code and assembly to protect this sensitive information.
  5167. </param>
  5168. <param name="tableName">The name of the data table.</param>
  5169. </member>
  5170. <member name="M:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  5171. <summary>
  5172. Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute"/> class. This instance will be initialized with a data provider and connection string associated with the setting name.
  5173. </summary>
  5174. <param name="dataSourceSettingName">The name of a data source found in the &lt;microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools&gt; section in the app.config file.</param>
  5175. </member>
  5176. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.ProviderInvariantName">
  5177. <summary>
  5178. Gets a value representing the data provider of the data source.
  5179. </summary>
  5180. <returns>
  5181. The data provider name. If a data provider was not designated at object initialization, the default provider of System.Data.OleDb will be returned.
  5182. </returns>
  5183. </member>
  5184. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.ConnectionString">
  5185. <summary>
  5186. Gets a value representing the connection string for the data source.
  5187. </summary>
  5188. </member>
  5189. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.TableName">
  5190. <summary>
  5191. Gets a value indicating the table name providing data.
  5192. </summary>
  5193. </member>
  5194. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.DataAccessMethod">
  5195. <summary>
  5196. Gets the method used to access the data source.
  5197. </summary>
  5198. <returns>
  5199. One of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataAccessMethod"/> values. If the <see cref="T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute"/> is not initialized, this will return the default value <see cref="F:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataAccessMethod.Random"/>.
  5200. </returns>
  5201. </member>
  5202. <member name="P:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.DataSourceAttribute.DataSourceSettingName">
  5203. <summary>
  5204. Gets the name of a data source found in the &lt;microsoft.visualstudio.qualitytools&gt; section in the app.config file.
  5205. </summary>
  5206. </member>
  5207. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.AllowNullAttribute">
  5208. <summary>Specifies that null is allowed as an input even if the corresponding type disallows it.</summary>
  5209. </member>
  5210. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DisallowNullAttribute">
  5211. <summary>Specifies that null is disallowed as an input even if the corresponding type allows it.</summary>
  5212. </member>
  5213. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullAttribute">
  5214. <summary>Specifies that an output may be null even if the corresponding type disallows it.</summary>
  5215. </member>
  5216. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullAttribute">
  5217. <summary>Specifies that an output will not be null even if the corresponding type allows it.</summary>
  5218. </member>
  5219. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute">
  5220. <summary>Specifies that when a method returns <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute.ReturnValue"/>, the parameter may be null even if the corresponding type disallows it.</summary>
  5221. </member>
  5222. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  5223. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the specified return value condition.</summary>
  5224. <param name="returnValue">
  5225. The return value condition. If the method returns this value, the associated parameter may be null.
  5226. </param>
  5227. </member>
  5228. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MaybeNullWhenAttribute.ReturnValue">
  5229. <summary>Gets the return value condition.</summary>
  5230. </member>
  5231. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute">
  5232. <summary>Specifies that when a method returns <see cref="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute.ReturnValue"/>, the parameter will not be null even if the corresponding type allows it.</summary>
  5233. </member>
  5234. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  5235. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the specified return value condition.</summary>
  5236. <param name="returnValue">
  5237. The return value condition. If the method returns this value, the associated parameter will not be null.
  5238. </param>
  5239. </member>
  5240. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullWhenAttribute.ReturnValue">
  5241. <summary>Gets the return value condition.</summary>
  5242. </member>
  5243. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullIfNotNullAttribute">
  5244. <summary>Specifies that the output will be non-null if the named parameter is non-null.</summary>
  5245. </member>
  5246. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullIfNotNullAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  5247. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the associated parameter name.</summary>
  5248. <param name="parameterName">
  5249. The associated parameter name. The output will be non-null if the argument to the parameter specified is non-null.
  5250. </param>
  5251. </member>
  5252. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.NotNullIfNotNullAttribute.ParameterName">
  5253. <summary>Gets the associated parameter name.</summary>
  5254. </member>
  5255. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DoesNotReturnAttribute">
  5256. <summary>Applied to a method that will never return under any circumstance.</summary>
  5257. </member>
  5258. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DoesNotReturnIfAttribute">
  5259. <summary>Specifies that the method will not return if the associated Boolean parameter is passed the specified value.</summary>
  5260. </member>
  5261. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DoesNotReturnIfAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  5262. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the specified parameter value.</summary>
  5263. <param name="parameterValue">
  5264. The condition parameter value. Code after the method will be considered unreachable by diagnostics if the argument to
  5265. the associated parameter matches this value.
  5266. </param>
  5267. </member>
  5268. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.DoesNotReturnIfAttribute.ParameterValue">
  5269. <summary>Gets the condition parameter value.</summary>
  5270. </member>
  5271. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullAttribute">
  5272. <summary>Specifies that the method or property will ensure that the listed field and property members have not-null values.</summary>
  5273. </member>
  5274. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullAttribute.#ctor(System.String)">
  5275. <summary>Initializes the attribute with a field or property member.</summary>
  5276. <param name="member">
  5277. The field or property member that is promised to be not-null.
  5278. </param>
  5279. </member>
  5280. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullAttribute.#ctor(System.String[])">
  5281. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the list of field and property members.</summary>
  5282. <param name="members">
  5283. The list of field and property members that are promised to be not-null.
  5284. </param>
  5285. </member>
  5286. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullAttribute.Members">
  5287. <summary>Gets field or property member names.</summary>
  5288. </member>
  5289. <member name="T:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullWhenAttribute">
  5290. <summary>Specifies that the method or property will ensure that the listed field and property members have not-null values when returning with the specified return value condition.</summary>
  5291. </member>
  5292. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullWhenAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.String)">
  5293. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the specified return value condition and a field or property member.</summary>
  5294. <param name="returnValue">
  5295. The return value condition. If the method returns this value, the associated parameter will not be null.
  5296. </param>
  5297. <param name="member">
  5298. The field or property member that is promised to be not-null.
  5299. </param>
  5300. </member>
  5301. <member name="M:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullWhenAttribute.#ctor(System.Boolean,System.String[])">
  5302. <summary>Initializes the attribute with the specified return value condition and list of field and property members.</summary>
  5303. <param name="returnValue">
  5304. The return value condition. If the method returns this value, the associated parameter will not be null.
  5305. </param>
  5306. <param name="members">
  5307. The list of field and property members that are promised to be not-null.
  5308. </param>
  5309. </member>
  5310. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullWhenAttribute.ReturnValue">
  5311. <summary>Gets the return value condition.</summary>
  5312. </member>
  5313. <member name="P:System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.MemberNotNullWhenAttribute.Members">
  5314. <summary>Gets field or property member names.</summary>
  5315. </member>
  5316. </members>
  5317. </doc>