from __future__ import annotations import as cabc import hashlib import hmac import typing as t from .encoding import _base64_alphabet from .encoding import base64_decode from .encoding import base64_encode from .encoding import want_bytes from .exc import BadSignature class SigningAlgorithm: """Subclasses must implement :meth:`get_signature` to provide signature generation functionality. """ def get_signature(self, key: bytes, value: bytes) -> bytes: """Returns the signature for the given key and value.""" raise NotImplementedError() def verify_signature(self, key: bytes, value: bytes, sig: bytes) -> bool: """Verifies the given signature matches the expected signature. """ return hmac.compare_digest(sig, self.get_signature(key, value)) class NoneAlgorithm(SigningAlgorithm): """Provides an algorithm that does not perform any signing and returns an empty signature. """ def get_signature(self, key: bytes, value: bytes) -> bytes: return b"" def _lazy_sha1(string: bytes = b"") -> t.Any: """Don't access ``hashlib.sha1`` until runtime. FIPS builds may not include SHA-1, in which case the import and use as a default would fail before the developer can configure something else. """ return hashlib.sha1(string) class HMACAlgorithm(SigningAlgorithm): """Provides signature generation using HMACs.""" #: The digest method to use with the MAC algorithm. This defaults to #: SHA1, but can be changed to any other function in the hashlib #: module. default_digest_method: t.Any = staticmethod(_lazy_sha1) def __init__(self, digest_method: t.Any = None): if digest_method is None: digest_method = self.default_digest_method self.digest_method: t.Any = digest_method def get_signature(self, key: bytes, value: bytes) -> bytes: mac =, msg=value, digestmod=self.digest_method) return mac.digest() def _make_keys_list( secret_key: str | bytes | cabc.Iterable[str] | cabc.Iterable[bytes], ) -> list[bytes]: if isinstance(secret_key, (str, bytes)): return [want_bytes(secret_key)] return [want_bytes(s) for s in secret_key] # pyright: ignore class Signer: """A signer securely signs bytes, then unsigns them to verify that the value hasn't been changed. The secret key should be a random string of ``bytes`` and should not be saved to code or version control. Different salts should be used to distinguish signing in different contexts. See :doc:`/concepts` for information about the security of the secret key and salt. :param secret_key: The secret key to sign and verify with. Can be a list of keys, oldest to newest, to support key rotation. :param salt: Extra key to combine with ``secret_key`` to distinguish signatures in different contexts. :param sep: Separator between the signature and value. :param key_derivation: How to derive the signing key from the secret key and salt. Possible values are ``concat``, ``django-concat``, or ``hmac``. Defaults to :attr:`default_key_derivation`, which defaults to ``django-concat``. :param digest_method: Hash function to use when generating the HMAC signature. Defaults to :attr:`default_digest_method`, which defaults to :func:`hashlib.sha1`. Note that the security of the hash alone doesn't apply when used intermediately in HMAC. :param algorithm: A :class:`SigningAlgorithm` instance to use instead of building a default :class:`HMACAlgorithm` with the ``digest_method``. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 Added support for key rotation by passing a list to ``secret_key``. .. versionchanged:: 0.18 ``algorithm`` was added as an argument to the class constructor. .. versionchanged:: 0.14 ``key_derivation`` and ``digest_method`` were added as arguments to the class constructor. """ #: The default digest method to use for the signer. The default is #: :func:`hashlib.sha1`, but can be changed to any :mod:`hashlib` or #: compatible object. Note that the security of the hash alone #: doesn't apply when used intermediately in HMAC. #: #: .. versionadded:: 0.14 default_digest_method: t.Any = staticmethod(_lazy_sha1) #: The default scheme to use to derive the signing key from the #: secret key and salt. The default is ``django-concat``. Possible #: values are ``concat``, ``django-concat``, and ``hmac``. #: #: .. versionadded:: 0.14 default_key_derivation: str = "django-concat" def __init__( self, secret_key: str | bytes | cabc.Iterable[str] | cabc.Iterable[bytes], salt: str | bytes | None = b"itsdangerous.Signer", sep: str | bytes = b".", key_derivation: str | None = None, digest_method: t.Any | None = None, algorithm: SigningAlgorithm | None = None, ): #: The list of secret keys to try for verifying signatures, from #: oldest to newest. The newest (last) key is used for signing. #: #: This allows a key rotation system to keep a list of allowed #: keys and remove expired ones. self.secret_keys: list[bytes] = _make_keys_list(secret_key) self.sep: bytes = want_bytes(sep) if self.sep in _base64_alphabet: raise ValueError( "The given separator cannot be used because it may be" " contained in the signature itself. ASCII letters," " digits, and '-_=' must not be used." ) if salt is not None: salt = want_bytes(salt) else: salt = b"itsdangerous.Signer" self.salt = salt if key_derivation is None: key_derivation = self.default_key_derivation self.key_derivation: str = key_derivation if digest_method is None: digest_method = self.default_digest_method self.digest_method: t.Any = digest_method if algorithm is None: algorithm = HMACAlgorithm(self.digest_method) self.algorithm: SigningAlgorithm = algorithm @property def secret_key(self) -> bytes: """The newest (last) entry in the :attr:`secret_keys` list. This is for compatibility from before key rotation support was added. """ return self.secret_keys[-1] def derive_key(self, secret_key: str | bytes | None = None) -> bytes: """This method is called to derive the key. The default key derivation choices can be overridden here. Key derivation is not intended to be used as a security method to make a complex key out of a short password. Instead you should use large random secret keys. :param secret_key: A specific secret key to derive from. Defaults to the last item in :attr:`secret_keys`. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 Added the ``secret_key`` parameter. """ if secret_key is None: secret_key = self.secret_keys[-1] else: secret_key = want_bytes(secret_key) if self.key_derivation == "concat": return t.cast(bytes, self.digest_method(self.salt + secret_key).digest()) elif self.key_derivation == "django-concat": return t.cast( bytes, self.digest_method(self.salt + b"signer" + secret_key).digest() ) elif self.key_derivation == "hmac": mac =, digestmod=self.digest_method) mac.update(self.salt) return mac.digest() elif self.key_derivation == "none": return secret_key else: raise TypeError("Unknown key derivation method") def get_signature(self, value: str | bytes) -> bytes: """Returns the signature for the given value.""" value = want_bytes(value) key = self.derive_key() sig = self.algorithm.get_signature(key, value) return base64_encode(sig) def sign(self, value: str | bytes) -> bytes: """Signs the given string.""" value = want_bytes(value) return value + self.sep + self.get_signature(value) def verify_signature(self, value: str | bytes, sig: str | bytes) -> bool: """Verifies the signature for the given value.""" try: sig = base64_decode(sig) except Exception: return False value = want_bytes(value) for secret_key in reversed(self.secret_keys): key = self.derive_key(secret_key) if self.algorithm.verify_signature(key, value, sig): return True return False def unsign(self, signed_value: str | bytes) -> bytes: """Unsigns the given string.""" signed_value = want_bytes(signed_value) if self.sep not in signed_value: raise BadSignature(f"No {self.sep!r} found in value") value, sig = signed_value.rsplit(self.sep, 1) if self.verify_signature(value, sig): return value raise BadSignature(f"Signature {sig!r} does not match", payload=value) def validate(self, signed_value: str | bytes) -> bool: """Only validates the given signed value. Returns ``True`` if the signature exists and is valid. """ try: self.unsign(signed_value) return True except BadSignature: return False