The information system “Educational department” is written in C# language with application of Avalonia framework and is the final project for training practice on professional module 02 “Implementation of program units integration”
unknown fc7d826947 Merge branch 'master' of http://gogs.ngknn.local:3000/EducationalPractic02/Educational | hace 6 meses | |
~$ановая дкументация.docx | hace 6 meses | |
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Плановая дкументация.docx | hace 6 meses | |
критический_путь.png | hace 6 meses | |
проект_системы.docx | hace 6 meses | |
сетевой_график.drawio | hace 6 meses | |
сетевой_график.png | hace 6 meses | |
тз.docx | hace 6 meses |