123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172 |
- using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
- using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
- using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("VINlibr.test")]
- namespace VINlib
- {
- //Vehicle identification number
- public static class VIN
- {
- internal static int NumberEquivalent(char c)
- {
- c = Char.ToUpper(c);
- if (c >= 65 && c <= 90)
- {
- if (c >= 83) ++c;//s == 2, but why
- return (c - 65) % 9 + 1;
- }
- else if (c >= 48 && c <= 57) return c - 48;
- else throw new ArgumentException("Invalid sign of VIN", nameof(c));
- }
- internal static int IndexWeight(int index)
- {
- if (index >= 0 && index <= 6) return 8 - index;
- else if (index == 7) return 10;
- else if (index == 8) return 0;//sum
- else if (index >= 9 && index <= 16) return 9 - index % 9;
- else throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"The index must be between 0 and 16, but it is {index}");
- }
- internal static bool ValidityCheck(string identNumber)
- {
- Regex regex = new Regex("^[A-HJ-NPR-Z0-9]{17}$", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
- return regex.IsMatch(identNumber);
- }
- //returns true if verification is seccessful
- public static bool ChecksumVerification(string identNumber)
- {
- if (ValidityCheck(identNumber))
- {
- if (identNumber[8] != 'x' && identNumber[8] != 'X' && !(identNumber[8] >= 48 && identNumber[8] <= 57)) return false;
- int checkSum = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < identNumber.Length; ++i)
- checkSum += NumberEquivalent(identNumber[i]) * IndexWeight(i);
- int expectedDifference = identNumber[8] == 'X' || identNumber[8] == 'x' ? 10 : NumberEquivalent(identNumber[8]);
- if (checkSum - checkSum / 11 * 11 == expectedDifference) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- static public VINinfo DecodeVIN(string identNumber)
- {
- if(ChecksumVerification(identNumber)) return new VINinfo(identNumber);
- throw new InvalidOperationException($"VIN {identNumber} doesnt exist");
- }
- }
- readonly public struct VINinfo
- {
- readonly public string identNumber;
- readonly public string geographicalArea;
- readonly public string country;
- readonly public bool isLargeManufacturer;
- readonly public int productionYear;
- public VINinfo(string identNumber)
- {
- this.identNumber = identNumber.ToUpper();
- //WMI
- geographicalArea = GetGeographicalArea(identNumber[0]);
- country = GetCountry(identNumber[0].ToString() + identNumber[1].ToString());
- isLargeManufacturer = identNumber[2] != 9;
- //VIS
- productionYear = GetProductionYear(identNumber[9]);
- }
- internal static string GetGeographicalArea(char c)
- {
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- {
- char[] startRange = { 'A', 'J', 'S', '1', '6', '8' };
- char[] endRange = { 'H', 'R', 'Z', '5', '7', '9' };
- string[] areas = { "Африка", "Азия", "Европа", "Северная Америка", "Океания", "Южная Америка" };
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- if (c >= startRange[i] && c <= endRange[i]) return areas[i];
- }
- throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"Acceptable symbols: A-Z, 0-9. '{c}' is not included.");
- }
- internal static bool CharIsIncluded(char c, char start, char end, int num = 0)
- {//is number
- if (c == '0') c = (char)100;
- else if (c <= 57) c += (char)42;//numbers now - 91:100, letters - 65:90
- if (start == '0') start = (char)100;
- else if (start <= 57) start += (char)42;
- if (end == '0') end = (char)100;
- else if (end <= 57) end += (char)42;
- if (c >= start && c <= end) return true;
- else if (c >= end && c <= 100) return false;
- throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"'{c}' don't using to WMI {num} position");
- }
- internal static string GetCountry(string cc)
- {
- string[] startRange = {"AA", "AJ", "BA", "BF", "BL", "CA", "CF", "CL", "DA", "DF", "DL", "EA",
- "EF", "FA", "FF", "JA", "KA", "KF", "KL", "KS", "LA", "MA", "MF", "ML", "MS", "NA",
- "NF", "NL", "PF", "PL", "RA", "RL", "RS", "SA", "SN", "SU", "S1", "TA", "TJ", "TR",
- "TW", "UU", "U5", "V3", "V6", "WA", "XF", "XS", "XX", "X3", "YA", "YF", "YL", "YS",
- "YX", "Y3", "Y6", "ZA", "ZX", "Z3", "Z6", "1A", "2A", "3A", "3X", "38", "4A", "5A",
- "6A", "7A", "8A", "8F", "8L", "8S", "8X", "9A", "9F", "9L", "9S", "9X", "93"};
- string[] endRange = {"AH", "AN", "BE", "BK", "BR", "CE", "CK", "CR", "DE", "DK", "DR", "EE", "EK",
- "FE", "FK", "JT", "KE", "KK", "KR", "K0", "L0", "ME", "MK", "MR", "M0", "NE", "NK",
- "NR", "PK", "PR", "RE", "RR", "R0", "SM", "ST", "SZ", "S4", "TH", "TP", "TV", "T1",
- "UZ", "U7", "V5", "V0", "W0", "XK", "XW", "X2", "X0", "YE", "YK", "YR", "YW", "Y2",
- "Y5", "Y0", "ZR", "Z2", "Z5", "Z0", "10", "20", "3W", "37", "30", "40", "50", "6W",
- "7E", "8E", "8K", "8R", "8W", "82", "9E", "9K", "9R", "9W", "92", "99"};
- string[] countries = {"ЮАР", "Кот-д’Ивуар", "Ангола", "Кения", "Танзания", "Бенин", "Мадагаскар", "Тунис",
- "Египет", "Марокко", "Замбия", "Эфиопия", "Мозамбик", "Гана", "Нигерия", "Япония", "Шри Ланка",
- "Израиль", "Южная Корея", "Казахстан", "Китай", "Индия", "Индонезия", "Таиланд", "Мьянма",
- "Иран", "Пакистан", "Турция", "Сингапур", "Малайзия", "ОАЭ", "Вьетнам", "Саудовская Аравия",
- "Великобритания", "Восточная Германия", "Польша", "Латвия", "Швейцария", "Чехия", "Венгрия",
- "Португалия", "Румыния", "Словакия", "Хорватия", "Эстония", "Германия", "Греция", "СССР/СНГ",
- "Люксембург", "Россия", "Бельгия", "Финляндия", "Мальта", "Швеция", "Норвегия", "Беларусь",
- "Украина", "Италия", "Словения", "Литва", "Россия", "США", "Канада", "Мексика", "Коста Рика",
- "Каймановы острова", "США", "США", "Австралия", "Новая Зеландия", "Аргентина", "Чили",
- "Эквадор", "Перу", "Венесуэла", "Бразилия", "Колумбия", "Парагвай", "Уругвай", "Тринидад и Тобаго",
- "Бразилия"};
- for (int i = 0; i < countries.Length; ++i)
- {
- if (CharIsIncluded(cc[0], startRange[i][0], endRange[i][0], 0))
- if (CharIsIncluded(cc[1], startRange[i][1], endRange[i][1], 1)) return countries[i];
- }
- throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"'{cc}' don't using to WMI");
- }
- internal static int GetProductionYear(char c)
- {
- Regex regex = new Regex("^[A-HJ-NPR-TV-Y1-9]{1}$", RegexOptions.Compiled);
- if (regex.IsMatch(c.ToString()))
- {
- string yearChars = "Y123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPRSTVWX";
- Dictionary<char, int> CharsAndYears = new Dictionary<char, int>();
- int cur_year = 2000;
- foreach (char yearChar in yearChars)
- {
- CharsAndYears[yearChar] = cur_year;
- ++cur_year;
- }
- return CharsAndYears[c];
- }
- else throw new IndexOutOfRangeException($"'{c}'should be in A-Y, 1-9");
- }
- public override string ToString() =>
- $"VIN: {identNumber}\n"
- + $"WMI: {identNumber.Substring(0, 3)}\n"
- + $"VDS: {identNumber.Substring(3, 6)}\n"
- + $"VIS: {identNumber.Substring(9)}\n\n"
- + $"Country: {country}\n"
- + $"Geographical area: {geographicalArea}\n"
- + $"Production year: ({productionYear - 30}|{productionYear}|{productionYear + 30})\n"
- + "Manufacturer produces "
- + (isLargeManufacturer ? "more" : "less")
- + " than 500 road vehicles per year\n";
- }
- }